Saturday, November 30, 2019
Understanding dramatic tragedy Essay Example For Students
Understanding dramatic tragedy Essay It is his vision of the world that is flawed, his aristocratic idealism. Shakespeare, in Hamlet, shows he has sympathy for this vision. It is flawed but, like the tragic hero, that doesnt mean it was without its worth. Tragic flaw and tragic error are central to the process of self-definition that often takes place in dramatic tragedy. We usually see the protagonist forced to undertake a journey through disaster to reach a status of greater moral completeness. Without the tragic flaw, he would not make the tragic error and the process of catharsis would not be able to take place. We will write a custom essay on Understanding dramatic tragedy specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now For Hamlet, to commit revenge is an act of self-definition. He does not know what he will become. Claudius as a Machiavel is governed by his own desire but that in itself is unstable. Lord, we know what we are, but know not what we may be. (Ophelia. IV. v. 43-44). Tragedy, using the tragic error as its agent, shows its characters what they would not have otherwise seen. This is ironic and particularly poignant in the cases of such characters as Oedipus and Gloucester in Lear. Their actual sight has deceived them and their flaw is purged when they are deprived of it. Oedipus fits Aristotles description of a tragic hero better than Hamlet or any of Shakespeares characters for obvious reasons and this is where the notion of hamartia becomes most useful: it specific to the writings of Sophocles and his contemporaries. It is useful to think of Oedipus in Aristotles terms; he is both flawed and careless despite possessing many fine qualities. The audience can share the anagnorisis experienced by Oedipus and his mistakes and hubristic character traits are clearly visible: Oedipus: I have not though it fit to rely on my messengers, But am here to learn for myself I, Oedipus, Whose name is known afar. Throughout the play, Oedipus makes excessive use of the word I and shows a lack of patience with those who deserve more respect: Theiresias for example. He should not have killed a stranger after receiving such a prophecy from the Oracle this also demonstrates his characteristic recklessness and he should not have married somebody old enough to be his mother. However, the preordained quality of Oedipuss life calls in to question the relevance of the tragic flaw. His fate was prophesied before his birth, therefore, how could his life have ended up otherwise? There is no point in asking the question what if Oedipus had acted differently? because he could not have acted in any other way. His judgement, like his miserable end, is preordained. The wretched existence of Oedipus emphasises the hopelessness of the tragic hero. We have to come to terms with the fact that they are doomed from the beginning and they are doomed because they are flawed. Tragedy, as Aristotle put it, is a representation of a serious act. The notion of flaw helps us to understand that it is a representation. Tragic heroes from birth, wherein they are not guilty, until they die or suffer a fall, which is inevitable, exist purely in a demonstrative capacity. They symbolise their flaws rather than live as we do. This is why tragedy happens to somebody of great importance, they are detached from our reality. Although Aristotles definitions have had the greatest influence on tragic drama and most tragic plays abide by most of his rules, it is important to remember that there were other accounts. It would be foolish for us to leave a definition such as this to one man, although this is largely what happened in the beginning and Aristotles words were self-fulfilling prophesies on account of his influence. For example, Diomedes remarks that tragedy is a narrative about the fortunes of a heroic or semi-divine character (4th c. AD). Philip Sydney says that it stirs the affects of admiration and commiseration, teacheth the uncertainty of this world, and upon how weak foundations gilden roofs are builded (Cuddon, p. 927). .u74ef9f3c32621748c532b1a212cbb5cf , .u74ef9f3c32621748c532b1a212cbb5cf .postImageUrl , .u74ef9f3c32621748c532b1a212cbb5cf .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u74ef9f3c32621748c532b1a212cbb5cf , .u74ef9f3c32621748c532b1a212cbb5cf:hover , .u74ef9f3c32621748c532b1a212cbb5cf:visited , .u74ef9f3c32621748c532b1a212cbb5cf:active { border:0!important; } .u74ef9f3c32621748c532b1a212cbb5cf .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u74ef9f3c32621748c532b1a212cbb5cf { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u74ef9f3c32621748c532b1a212cbb5cf:active , .u74ef9f3c32621748c532b1a212cbb5cf:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u74ef9f3c32621748c532b1a212cbb5cf .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u74ef9f3c32621748c532b1a212cbb5cf .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u74ef9f3c32621748c532b1a212cbb5cf .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u74ef9f3c32621748c532b1a212cbb5cf .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u74ef9f3c32621748c532b1a212cbb5cf:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u74ef9f3c32621748c532b1a212cbb5cf .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u74ef9f3c32621748c532b1a212cbb5cf .u74ef9f3c32621748c532b1a212cbb5cf-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u74ef9f3c32621748c532b1a212cbb5cf:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The play is called Othello and it is a tragedy EssayAs Aristotles notions refer specifically to the earliest form of tragic drama, it is more difficult to apply them to the type of tragic play that developed during the middle ages and on into the renaissance. Although Oresteia by Aeschylus is largely considered to be the earliest example of revenge tragedy, it came long before the traditions of the genre had been established. The revenge tragedy very much reflected pre-Renaissance society. Considering the threat of revenge was a means of keeping social balance and did not then involve the moral complications encountered in Hamlet, the focus does not fall so heavily on the tragic flaw. Revenge belonged to the church and to the monarchy. It was both sacred and foul a proposed method of killing Brachiano in The White Devil was to poison his prayer book. Even Hamlet gives us a taste though Shakespeares judgement on it is unequivocal of the energies and pleasure of blasphemy (IV. vii. 123-126): Claudius: What would you undertake To show yourself in deed your fathers son More than in words? Laertes: To cut his throat ithchurch! Laertess passion here almost seems to validate the foulness of his intentions. By way of contrast, Hamlet is famously unable to kill Claudius while he is praying. Possibly, Aristotles ideas need to be discarded when looking at some aspects of revenge tragedy as they are all about righting the wrongs of others. In Kyds The Spanish Tragedy for example, Hieronomo is avenging his murdered son. The death of his son did not come about as a result of any of his shortcomings though he is certainly not flawless. Hamlets passion is evoked when he finds out his father was murdered by his hated uncle who has married his mother scarcely more than a month afterwards. In contrast, Lears decision to ban Cordelia was unquestionably foolish and led to his downfall. Oedipus has committed his tragic errors before the action of Oedipus Rex begins. Revenge tragedy, in its increasing decadence, focused on the theatricality of tragic drama and epitomises the transgressive nature of bourgeois theatre. The tragic hero was often a villain devoid of any redeeming qualities and the act of revenge was glorified; the very antithesis of Hamlets revenge. There is no tragic endeavour and in these plays tragic drama somewhat loses its moral centre. Where is Aristotle now? His notion is of little help when studying characters such as Flamineo or Vittoria in The White Devil. Webster communicates a peculiar and original sense of tragedy. He presents us with connoisseurs of the aesthetics of revenge killing. Twas quaintly done (II. ii. 37. ), says Brachiano of Camillos murder. He has really savoured the show. Witty murders are presented as a kind of art form and this shelters the characters from morality. The play degrades murder and refines it into a question of taste. It is almost as if the audience is implicated by Websters style. With the ambivalence he has created between style and morality, we are taking away a very different message from this play and we learn a different aspect of human nature. Tragedy, it seems, acquired multiple purposes subsequent to Aristotles day despite his emphasis on unity. The spring is wound up tight. It will uncoil of itself. That is what is so convenient in tragedy. The least little turn of the wrist will do the job. Anything will set it going. (Anouihl, p. 34) It is the notion of tragic flaw or tragic error that makes tragedy convenient. Maybe it is better not to ask why Hamlet had to suffer but to analyse how he suffered. Oedipus was in a way set up by the gods to perform his tragic error and demonstrate for the audience. Aristotles concepts are helpful in unmasking tragedy and understanding its nature as far as we can. From studying Aristotles observations on tragedy and looking at tragic drama as a whole, it is also possible to see how much it has grown as a genre and as a category. Though there will always be vestiges of what Aristotle described in dramatic tragedy, his rules have been bent and manipulated throughout the centuries as the world has changed and playwrights have redesigned the art form. .u57f5a362ed38cd416ae2d5d26627d59c , .u57f5a362ed38cd416ae2d5d26627d59c .postImageUrl , .u57f5a362ed38cd416ae2d5d26627d59c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u57f5a362ed38cd416ae2d5d26627d59c , .u57f5a362ed38cd416ae2d5d26627d59c:hover , .u57f5a362ed38cd416ae2d5d26627d59c:visited , .u57f5a362ed38cd416ae2d5d26627d59c:active { border:0!important; } .u57f5a362ed38cd416ae2d5d26627d59c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u57f5a362ed38cd416ae2d5d26627d59c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u57f5a362ed38cd416ae2d5d26627d59c:active , .u57f5a362ed38cd416ae2d5d26627d59c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u57f5a362ed38cd416ae2d5d26627d59c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u57f5a362ed38cd416ae2d5d26627d59c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u57f5a362ed38cd416ae2d5d26627d59c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u57f5a362ed38cd416ae2d5d26627d59c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u57f5a362ed38cd416ae2d5d26627d59c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u57f5a362ed38cd416ae2d5d26627d59c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u57f5a362ed38cd416ae2d5d26627d59c .u57f5a362ed38cd416ae2d5d26627d59c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u57f5a362ed38cd416ae2d5d26627d59c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Analysis Of The Raven EssayDespite this fact, critics will always use Aristotles notion of tragic error or tragic flaw as a starting point when attempting to understand a piece of tragic drama because it provides them with the questions they need to ask in order to identify its purpose. Works Cited Anouihl, Jean. Antigone. Trans. L. Galantiere. 1944. Cuddon, J. A. The Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory: Fourth Edition. Rev. C. E. Preston. London: Blackwell Publishers Ltd, 1998.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Analysis of The New Singles essays
Analysis of The New Singles essays The article that will be evaluated in this particular essay is taken from Newsweeks Society and Arts (dating August 14,2000), which is titled as The New Singles and it is written by Carla Power in cooperation with Antonia Francis, in Paris and Stefan Theil, in Berlin. As it can be understood from the title it is about the people in Europe, who prefer living alone. Throughout the article, different lifestyles and different choices of people, who are living alone, are reflected. While doing that, the reasons and the outcomes of living alone are given with some additional information including, statistics and research results. The article shows that there is a certain shift away from family life to solo lifestyle. Day after day more and more people decide to live alone. Reasons are various. Personal ones are; to have an independent and colorful life, to have an own place in which one can find peace and solitude, to escape from a routine family life, social ones are; the revolution in the field of communications, the shift from a stable business culture to a mobile one, increasing rates of working women... Consequently, these reasons direct people to live alone. According to sociologist Jean-Cloude Kaufmann whose ideas take palace in the article, the home-alone phenomenon is irresistible momentum of individualism. And also, a research made by Richard Scace reveals that in the year of 2010, the number of single person households will be more than the number of families and couples who are living together. This may be as a consequence of broken families, relationships that come to an end, and a search for a self determined life. The outcomes of home-alone phenomenon are also discussed in the article. For instance, people who sought freedom or need solitude are more apt to drink alcohol and as it is mentioned in the article over the past five years, these people became the mainsta...
Friday, November 22, 2019
History of the Domestication of Donkeys
History of the Domestication of Donkeys The modern domestic donkey (Equus asinus) was bred from the wild African ass (E. africanus) in northeastern Africa during the predynastic period of Egypt, about 6,000 years ago. Two wild ass subspecies are thought to have had a role in the development of the modern donkey: the Nubian ass (Equus africanus africanus) and the Somali ass (E. africanus somaliensis), although recent mtDNA analysis suggests that only the Nubian ass contributed genetically to the domestic donkey. Both of these asses are still alive today, but both are listed as critically endangered on the IUCN Red List. The donkeys relationship with the Egyptian civilization is well-documented. For example, murals in the tomb of the New Kingdom pharaoh Tutankhamun illustrate nobles participating in a wild ass hunt. However, the real importance of the donkey relates to its use as a pack animal. Donkeys are desert-adapted and can carry heavy loads through arid lands allowing pastoralists to move their households with their herds. In addition, donkeys proved ideal for the transport of food and trade goods throughout Africa and Asia. Domestic Donkeys and Archaeology Archaeological evidence used to identify domesticated donkeys includes changes in body morphology. Domestic donkeys are smaller than wild ones, and, in particular, they have smaller and less robust metacarpals (foot bones). In addition, donkey burials have been noted at some sites; such burials likely reflect the value of trusted domestic animals. Pathological evidence of damage to spinal columns resulting from donkeys use (maybe overuse) as pack animals is also seen on domestic donkeys, a situation not thought likely on their wild progenitors. The earliest domesticated donkey bones identified archaeologically date to 4600-4000 BC, at the site of El-Omari, a predynastic Maadi site in Upper Egypt near Cairo. Articulated donkey skeletons have been found buried in special tombs within the cemeteries of several predynastic sites, including Abydos (ca. 3000 BC) and Tarkhan (ca. 2850 BC). Donkey bones also have been discovered at sites in Syria, Iran, and Iraq between 2800-2500 BC. The site of Uan Muhuggiag in Libya has domestic donkey bones dated to ~3000 years ago. Domestic Donkeys at Abydos A 2008 study (Rossel et al.) examined 10 donkey skeletons buried at the Predynastic site of Abydos (about ca 3000 BC). The burials were in three purposefully constructed brick tombs adjacent to the cult enclosure of an early (so far unnamed) Egyptian king. The donkey tombs lacked grave goods and in fact, only contained articulated donkey skeletons. An analysis of the skeletons and comparison with modern and ancient animals revealed that the donkeys had been used as beasts of burden, evidenced by signs of strain on their vertebral bones. In addition, the body morphology of the donkeys was midway between wild asses and modern donkeys, leading researchers to argue that the domestication process was not complete by the end of the predynastic period, but instead continued as a slow process over periods of several centuries. Donkey DNA DNA sequencing of ancient, historic and modern samples of donkeys throughout northeastern Africa was reported (Kimura et al) in 2010, including data from the site of Uan Muhuggiag in Libya. This study suggests that domestic donkeys are derived solely from the Nubian wild ass. Results of the testing demonstrate that Nubian and Somali wild asses have distinct mitochondrial DNA sequences. Historic domestic donkeys appear to be genetically identical to Nubian wild asses, suggesting that modern Nubian wild asses are actually survivors of previously domesticated animals. Further, it seems likely that wild asses were domesticated several times, by cattle herders perhaps beginning as long ago as 8900-8400 calibrated years ago cal BP. Interbreeding between wild and domestic asses (called introgression) is likely to have continued throughout the domestication process. However, Bronze Age Egyptian asses (ca 3000 BC at Abydos) were morphologically wild, suggesting either that the process was a long slow one, or that wild asses had characteristics that were favored over domestic ones for some activities. Sources Beja-Pereira, Albano, et al. 2004 African origins of the domestic donkey. Science 304:1781. Kimura, Birgitta. Donkey Domestication. African Archaeological Review, Fiona Marshall, Albano Beja-Pereira, et al., ResearchGate, March 2013. Kimura B, Marshall FB, Chen S, Rosenbom S, Moehlman PD, Tuross N, Sabin RC, Peters J, Barich B, Yohannes H et al. 2010. Ancient DNA from Nubian and Somali wild ass provides insights into donkey ancestry and domestication. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences: (online pre-publish). Rossel, Stine. Domestication of the donkey: Timing, processes, and indicators. Fiona Marshall, Joris Peters, et al., PNAS, March 11, 2008.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Analysing Edgar Allan Poe's Short Stories The Black Cat and The Research Paper
Analysing Edgar Allan Poe's Short Stories The Black Cat and The Tell-Tale Heart - Research Paper Example African American girls and women also suffered or were exposed to various forms of racism, causing them to exhibit different reactions. This inferior image of African American women also got reflected in the fictional works as well. Most times authors in their fictional works will write what they have seen, heard, felt and lived. Those writers without fictionalizing will provide those aspects as a form of autobiography. American woman author Anne Moody wrote about the racism that happened in her life in the form of autobiography titled, Coming of age in Mississippi. So, this paper will discuss how Anne Moody in the book offers several moments and descriptions of how she learned about the meanings of race, and how she became aware of the racial differences that existed, and finally how she responded to those racial actions and differences. Anne Moody, although was born to parents who belonged to the same race, was exposed to racism because of the period and area, she lived in. Born in 1940 as Essie Mae, Moody (changed her name and) grew up in Wilkerson County, a rural county which was manifested with poverty and racism by the White population against the African Americans. Exposure to racism and different sides of racial relations from a young age itself made Moody aware of this issue, causing her to exhibit different emotions. ... Although, she was a small girl, she was intimidated and treated in a harsh manner in the household. This incident is her early exposure to racism and importantly made her award about the social hierarchy. With her biological father deserting, her step-father also proving out to be incompetent and also with her mother delivering babies quite often, Ann Moody had to take the responsibility of earning for the family. â€Å"Things seemed to get harder. Mama was always having another baby.†(). So, she worked at the White household in a suppressing environment for many hours in a day after her school timings and continuously during weekends. Along with her mother, who worked in various odd jobs offered by enterprises owned by the White population, Moody had to work in dominating White households. Doing such jobs based on race was quite demeaning and oppressing to the African population, and it was felt by Anne Moody as well. That is, as Moody worked in a suppressing white household , she understood the position of their population vis-a-vis the white population in the social hierarchy. â€Å"that not only were they better than me because they were white, but everything they owned and everything connected to them was better than hat was available to me.†(Moody 38). Anne started experiencing racism when she went to the high school, thereby experiencing different meanings of race and racial differences that existed. In the school, she became ‘racially aware’, as she was prejudiced by the White students. The one even, which disturbed her and made her understood the extreme side of racism is the murder of Emmett Till, a fourteen-year-old black boy. Hill was visiting Mississippi from Chicago, when he was lynched to
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Inclusion in schools with students with autism Dissertation
Inclusion in schools with students with autism - Dissertation Example According to the Autism Society nearly 1% of the US population that consists of children between the age group of 3 and 17 years has an autism spectrum disorder. Occurrence of autism is estimated to be 1 in 110 births in the US. Approximately the ratio of autism in the US is 1:1.5 million of American suffering from this disorder. The growth rate of this disability is around 1148% and known as the fastest-growing developmental disability. This develops at an annual rate of 10 to 17%. The government of the United States of America spends nearly US$ 60 billion per year for autism. In an average of ten years span of time the expenditure is estimated to be around US$ 200 to US$ 400 billion with the aid of new technology. It has been estimated that 1% of the UK adult population has an autism spectrum disorder. The Autism Society has estimated that the cost of autism is US$ 3.2 million Dollar per person over the life span of an individual (Autism Society, 2011). The effect of autism on lear ning and functioning in the society has the capability to range from mild to severe. It also has the ability to cause anxiety, frustration and confusion that are expressed in a multiple behavioral way. This kind of reaction can result to recurring behaviors, social withdraw and in certain intense situations be more aggressive and can injure himself/herself (Janzen, 1996). Kanner had provided views about the autism as a childhood disorder and found out certain things that are consequence of autism and are listed below: â€Å"Extreme detachment from human relationships Failure to use language for the purpose of communication Anxiously obsessive desire for the maintenance of sameness, resulting in a marked limitation in the variety of spontaneous activity Fascination for objects, handled with skill in fine motor movements Good cognitive potentialities" (Marwick & Et. Al., 2005). Autism is prevalent in boys four times more than girls and knows no social or ethnic and race barrier. The effect of Autism can be seen in the areas of communication skills and social interaction as the development of the students suffering from autism is low in these respect. The children and adults, who suffer from an autism spectrum disorder, face difficulties in social interaction and verbal and non-verbal communication. This type of disorder creates difficulties for them to interact with the outside world (University of Hawaii, 2008). The Autism Society of America (ASA) was established in the year 1965 by a small number of groups of parents of the autism suffering children. Till date the ASA has been leading in providing information about the autism and is known as the largest collective voice that represents autism community for more than 33 years. Through the voluntary network in recent times there are over 24000 members associated with the ASA in more than 50 states. The rationale of the Autism Society of America is to encourage lifelong entrance and prospects for persons within the range of autism and their family members. This society offers advice, generates public awareness, educates the society and provides researches that are related to autism. The ASA is devoted towards generating the awareness and the problems that are faced in day-today activities by an individual with autism (University of Hawaii, 2008). For diagnosing autism there are no medical tests. There are many different ways in interoperating the autism suffering individuals. Many of the behaviors that are associated with t
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Describe how Arthur Miller creates an exciting climax Essay Example for Free
Describe how Arthur Miller creates an exciting climax Essay Describe how Arthur Miller creates an exciting climax for both acts of A View from the Bridge' A View from the Bridge by Arthur Miller, is a play about obsession and betrayal. The main character, Eddie Carbone, becomes overprotective over his niece, Catherine, to the degree of infatuation. This obsession helps to cause the break down of Eddies marriage, as his wife, Beatrice realises the alarming nature of Eddies fixation. Eddies feelings for Catherine existed before Beatrices cousins, Marco and Rodolfo came, but their arrival intensifies the situation, as Eddie becomes more and more jealous of Rodolfo, and of Catherines love for him. This play is a tragedy and, like most tragedies, it is serious and ends with the death of the main character, Eddie. Eddie dies after betraying his wifes cousins to the immigration bureau. As a result, Marco, who is filled with hatred and in need of justice, stabs him. Arthur Miller was a New Yorker who worked on the Brooklyn docks, for a time. His experience of the docks and of the people around them, led him to write this play, which is set there. During this coursework, my aim is to study the ends of the two acts in depth to see what techniques Miller uses to make them dramatically effective. 1. During the last scene of act one (from page 39 when Catherine puts paper doll on the phonograph) we find out about the relationships of characters in more depth. The scene 2. Our understanding of this plays characters changes considerably in this final part of act 1. Marco who seemed, prior to this scene, to be quiet and shy shows what he actually feels by demonstrating his feelings about Eddie 3. There are many surprises in this scene, we as an audience do not expect Marco who has previously been shy and quiet to make such a blatant challenge as he does in this scene 4. This last scene in act one is used very effectively by Arthur miller to sow the seeds of events which are going to happen in the 2nd act of the play 5. The action in this scene Marcos action of holding up a chair triumphantly in front of Eddie is an interesting and significant action because the chair seems to be a symbolic weapon. Marco is threatening Eddie with it but, in contrast, he actually uses a weapon to kill Eddie in the final scene of the play. 6. although there seems to only be one conflict between characters in this (the one between Marco and Eddie; with the chair) there are actually many 7. This final scene leaves many questions unanswered. The conflicts between the characters in this scene could lead the audience to speculate as to how things will develop in the next act but although this scene gives the audience, some idea of how things turn out it does not tell them everything. They may ask themselves what is going to happen to Catherine and Rodolfos relationship since it seems plain that Eddie dislikes Rodolfo and disapproves of his relationship with his niece. 8. Particularly interesting characters within this scene are Marco, who has changed so much and is so different in this final scene of act one to the previous part of the play. 9. The Characters in this scene are very interesting to observe on their own but it is also interesting to see how Arthur Miller has contrasted the actions of his characters in this scene. One such contrast is that between Marco and Eddie. Eddie uses Aggressive action, such as boxing to make his point whereas Marcos subtle challenge with the chair is non aggressive but yet still makes the intended point. These contrasts between the two mens actions are very interesting and are very effective in demonstrating the diffe 10. Emotions of the audience towards characters are mixed. They may feel happy for Catherine and Rodolfo in that theyve found each other and seem so happy. Some may speculate, however about that this relationships days are numbered due to Eddies obviously hostile feelings towards rodolfo. 1. The situations that develop in this play would be difficult for anyone to deal with. Eddie finds the situation that he is in especially difficult and consequently he is seriously affected by it. In this play Eddie goes from being a popular man, respected in the community to being a man willing to betray his own family and, in the final scene one prepared to kill. Eddie started by just being over protective of Catherine, which developed into jealousy of Rodolfo because Catherine loved him and this, in turn developed into passionate hatred of both Marco and Rodolfo. Eddie hardly understands what he himself is feeling at the end of the play. These emotional changes are central to Arthur millers play since they help to cause the chain of events leading up to the final tragic end and are very important in creating interest and drama in the play.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Effects of Alcohol on the Body Essay -- Papers Alcohol Drinking Es
The Effects of Alcohol on the Body (word count includes outline) Alcohol can be helpful or harmful to the body depending upon the amount of alcohol consumed. Drinking in moderation increases life expectancy, reduces the likely hood of heart attacks and other diseases. Heavy drinking can lead to poor nutrition, liver disorders, strokes or heart attacks, and affect sexual desire and offspring. Although alcohol is usually considered harmful there is growing evidence of health benefits associated with moderate alcohol consumption, approximately one to three drinks per day. A recent study at Harvard found that moderate drinkers tend to live longer than those who either abstain or drink heavily. The study found the risk of death from all causes to be twenty-one to twenty-eight percent lower among men who drank alcohol moderately, compared to abstainers. Furthermore, in a larger study of about 88,000 people conducted over a period of ten years found that moderate drinkers were about twenty seven percent less likely to die during the period. This was largely due to a reduction of such diseases as coronary heart disease, cancer, and respiratory diseases. (Alcohol and Health) Moderate drinkers of alcohol are less likely to suffer heart attacks than those who abstain or heavily drink. Research conducted from 1900 to 1986 found a strong, consistent relationship between moderate alcohol consumption and reduction in cardiovascular disease, the number one killer in American. Harvard researchers have identified the moderate consumption of alcohol as a proven way to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. These researchers concluded, ?Consumption of one or two drinks of beer, wine, or liquor per day has corresponded to ... ...the liver. B. Alcoholic hepatitis damages many liver cells and can cause various symptoms. C. Cirrhosis of the liver is a serious condition that will likely turn into death. D. Liver cancer is also common among heavy drinkers. VI. Heavy amounts of alcohol can increase the risk of strokes and heart attacks. A. It can cause high blood pressure and enlargement to the heart. B. The heart muscle is also weakened by alcohol. VII. Effects of heavy alcohol use includes missed periods and lessens sexual desires for women and possible sterility in men. A. A woman who drinks while pregnant risks the health of her unborn child. B. It is proven that this will cause a fourteen percent risk that the unborn child will be deformed. Conclusion: Alcohol can be both helpful and dangerous to the body depending if the person who consumes it is a heavy or moderate drinker.
Monday, November 11, 2019
ACL in practice
One way to ensure the integrity of the data is to check for duplicate records. To find the total amount of a field, use the Total command. The Quick Sort feature lets you view the data in sequential order. A filter is a logical expression that you can type in the view's Filter text box. CAL displays only those records that match the filter. An expression is a set of operators and values that you use to perform calculations, specify conditions for a test, or create values that do not exist directly in the data. An CAL expression can be a combination of data fields or computed fields, operators,constants, functions, and variables.Commands: Statistics, Profile, Duplicate, Total, Quick Sort See the detailed explanations below. In this chapter you accomplished the following tasks: ; Opening a project Viewing the project contents ; Using Statistics and Profile commands to analyze data ; Using Quick Sort to sort the data in a specified order Creating and applying filters Examine the employee list Tasks: View the employee data project. Get statistical picture. Check for duplicate employee records. Open and view the employee data project Open the employee data projectProject: Open an existing and save project as Surname_Metaphor_Employee_Data, then K, and close project. Open an existing projectâ€â€Surname_Metaphor_Employee_Data and start. Tables: Agents_Metaphor – lists all of Metaphor's independent sales agents around the world. Rename this file as Surname_Agents_Metaphor. Employee_List – lists all of the Metaphor employees at the head office. Rename this file as Surname_Employee_list. View the contents of the employee data project (Insert your answer here) Get a statistical picture Generate statistics on the employee list Use Profile to get information about a tableLook for duplicate records Look for duplicate employee numbers Examine employee salaries and Bonuses Find total bonuses paid in 2002 Use the Total command to find total bonuses pai d in 2002 View salaries in descending and ascending order View employee salaries in descending and ascending order View employees hired in 2002 Create a filter to show employees that were hired in 2002 Determine bonus as a percentage of salary Your Log Your Folder Explanations: STATISTICS Syntax numeric-field-list specifies the numeric fields or expressions for which statistics will be provided. Et-field-list specifies the date fields or expressions for which statistics will be provided. SST calculates the standard deviation of the fields specified, in addition to the other statistics. Obtaining statistics on numeric and date fields Use Statistics on date and numeric fields to obtain an overview of the data. For specified fields, the Statistics command provides: Record counts, field totals, and average field values for positive, nil, and negative field values Absolute value Ranges Highest and lowest field values The Statistics command also populates a number of system variables. To use theStatistics command Select Analyze Ã’Â » Statistical Ã’Â » Statistics to display the Statistics dialog box. PROFILE PROFILE numeric fields numeric_fields specifies the numeric fields to be profiled. Producing summary statistics on numeric fields Use the Profile command to provide summary statistics on one or more numeric fields in a table. Profile provides the following information for numeric fields: Total value Absolute value Minimum value Maximum value Profile is used primarily to determine minimum, maximum, absolute, and total field values (as appropriate) before issuing the Stratify, Histogram, or Sample commands.If you want an overview of a table before detailed processing, the Statistics command provides more complete information. After a field has been profiled, CAL knows its minimum and maximum values. These values are then used as defaults for the Minimum and Maximum parameters in the Stratify and Histogram commands. Similarly, CAL knows the absolute value of the field and uses this value as the default for the Population parameter in the Sample command. If the Automatic Profile interface option is turned on, CAL automatically produces a profile of all the numeric fields in a table each time a new table is opened.The profiles can be viewed in the command results. To turn this option on, select Tools from the menu bar and choose Options. Click the Table tab and select Automatically Profile on Open. To use the Profile command Select Analyze Ã’Â »Statistical Ã’Â »Profile to display the Profile dialog box. DUPLICATES DUPLICATES key_field . ON key-field specifies the fields or expressions to check for duplicates. UNFORMATTED suppresses page headings and page breaks when the output is directed to a file. OTHER field-list specifies a list of fields or expressions to include in the output for a duplicates test.The fields are reported in columnar format with duplicate items displayed in grouped rows. A blank line separates each set of du plicates. The duplicated key field values are reported in the first column, followed by the specified fields. PRESORT sorts the primary table on the primary key before testing for duplicates. You cannot use the PRESORT keyword in a group. Testing for duplicates The Duplicates command detects whether key fields in the active table contain duplicates. To test for duplicate records Select Analyze from the menu bar and choose Look for Duplicates to display theDuplicates dialog box. If your table contains a great many records, it is faster and more useful to save the command results to a file than to display the results on the screen. TOTAL TOTAL numeric fields Totaling numeric fields or expressions Use the Total command to total numeric fields or expressions in the active table. Total is typically used to prove the completeness and accuracy of the data and to produce control totals. Total finds the arithmetic sum of the fields or expressions specified. As well as displaying the totals r equested, this command saves the result n a special variable, Totals. Is normally â€Å"1†, but adopts the sequential command number when Total is issued in a group, for example, TOTAL 17. To use the Total command Select Analyze from the menu bar and choose Total Fields to display the Total dialog box. Sorting a view with Quick Sort You can use Quick Sort to sort records on any field. Applicable only to the view, Quick Sort is a temporary means to view your records in ascending or descending order. When you are finished with Quick Sort, you can turn it off to return the view to the order in which the records exist in the table.To use Quick Sort, right-click the column header and select one of the sort options: Quick Sort Ascending – sorts the records from lowest to highest. Quick Sort Descending – sorts the records from highest to lowest. Quick Sort Off – restores the records to the previous sort order. Quick Sort applies to the view only and not to comma nds, which use the sort order that is present in the table. To sort the records in the table, use the Sort command. To index the table by one or more fields, use the Index command. Quick Sort is not available for dynamic server-based CAL tables.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Global Access Control Case Study Essay
With business always changing and data always needing to be protected, it has become an issue to determine the level of security for confidentiality and integrity purposes while allowing it all to be properly available for use. To put Global in front of the competition with its customers it implements its Global Connect-Link for collaboration. Through the use of its security division, CIS, Global prioritizes its data according to the risk of activity of usage against the potential business reward. It conducts constant supervision and monitoring to maintain confidentiality, integrity and availability. Global also has its own Continuity Manager software to manage large amounts of external users while maintaining the necessary centralized security from unauthorized access. Another level of security Global offers is its DLP or data loss prevention product. This keeps all data whether structured or unstructured when in motion or at rest from being compromised and deleted. Lastly in regards to Global’s controls and the documentation of the effectiveness of these controls, CompScan, an audit program is in place to collect and analyze all the data. The overall analysis of Global is that they seem to have a good grasp on keeping all data protected for confidentiality purposes, allows for the transferring of the data to be done securely for integrity purposes and gives it customers, partners, employees and suppliers proper access to all data based on privileges for availability purposes. The only weakness that may exist is the proper training for its employees on all that Global offers. With such incredible software support and ability to provide security without worry it will have to maintain constant training to make sure that simple human error doesn’t become an issue but if something were to happen then the proper steps are taken and followed to avoid corruption from taking place. When it comes to the reporting of is financial data certai n policies and procedures must be followed accurately. With an insecure system the opportunity of having inaccurate financial data reported is a good likelihood. Federal laws require that financial data of any sort be kept private and secure at all times whether at rest on the network or in transit when being viewed or sent to a fellow business entity. The use of the security division’s IRM or information risk management has had a great influence on its ability to maintain business and get the edge on its competitors. The use of its Connect-Link, its prioritizing of security on investments, its Continuity Manager, its data loss prevention product and its CompScan it’s easy to see why peace of mind is something that is Global can offer at a 95% success rate. To solve the internal problems like employee training, Global can hire a outside company to come in on a basis determined by the security division and conduct classes to make sure all employees are up to date on proper procedures and understanding of keeping security at the top of their own priority list. Maintaining good training programs minimizes the risk of user errors but doesn’t completely eliminate them. Adding other security like anti-virus software to the workstations and closing off ports that are not in use on a regular basis will also help ensure a higher percentage of user compliance to following the rules and policies in place.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
OCD essays
OCD essays An estimated four million Americans have Obsessive-compulsive disorder, which includes 1,000,000 children and adolescents. These people with OCD are slaves to their rituals, and their rituals begin to take over their lives. Stephanie, an eighteen year old, had trouble with math because of her OC D. If I got to number seventeen on the math test, I would have to tap my pencil seventeen times. (Weiskopf, Catherine. Understanding Obsessive-compulsive disorders.) Stephanies situation shows that obsessive-compulsive disorder influences the development of children. Children and adolescents with OCD end up with emotional and social developmental problems. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is an unrelenting pattern of obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are unwanted ideas or thoughts that repeatedly are on the individuals mind. Typical obsessions are fear of dirt or contamination; concern with order; constantly thinking about certain images, sounds, words, or numbers; and fear of harming a family member or a loved one. Compulsions are preformed intentionally to reduce the anxiety or discomfort brought on by obsessions. Common compulsions are excessive hand washing, checking to make sure of something repeatedly, arranging items in precise order, counting over and over, and touching certain objects several times. The exact causes of Obsessive-compulsive disorder are unclear, but an adequate amount of evidence shows that the illness is linked to a disturbance in the functioning of the brain. An imbalance of serotonin (a naturally occurring brain chemical) is thought to be a cause of OCD. There is evidence to suggest that a particular circuit in the brain is involved in OCD. Other research has indicated that the volume of certain structures within the brain may be greater in individuals with OCD than in those without the disorder. Psychiatric disorders such as depression, Tourette Sy...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
A Life With Three Marriages English Literature Essay
A Life With Three Marriages English Literature Essay In the book Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Hurston, marriage plays a big role in the story. The main character, Janie, get married three times in her lifetime. Janie is a very attractive woman and practically can get who she wants, but she is looking for a special somebody. Most people get married once, but Janie just couldn’t find the right person to spend the rest of her life with. Janie uses a peach tree as her symbol for a perfect man. Janie lives a life of uncertainty. She wishes to be married to her peach tree, but she cannot seem to run into him. Janie isn’t afraid of waiting for her ideal husband. Janie goes from marriage to marriage trying to find not only the perfect soul mate, but she also wanted to find herself. Janie had a hard time trying to be who she really is when she had her grandmother choosing her husband for her. Janie’s mother and grandmother had such a difficult life. Janie has her grandmother to take care of her, but she cannot do t hat forever. Janie’s grandmother pushed Janie to limits because she wanted Janie to have a life that wasn’t like her own or her mother’s. The theme of this story is love comes with compromise and honesty in a relationship. Marriage promises change, but it will remain loveless without equality and respect. Janie’s first marriage with Logan Killicks fails because Logan and her grandmother neglect to display any respect for what Janie wants out of a marriage. Janie’s grandmother’s selfish act contributed to the marriage because she forces Janie to marry Logan for the sake of her own comforts rather than Janie’s. As stated in the book, â€Å"So you don’t want to marry off decent like, do yuh? You just wants to hug and kiss and feel around with the first one man and then another, huh? You want me to suck the same sorrow yo’ mama did, eh? Mah ole head ain’t gray enough. Mah back ain’t bowed enough to suit yuh!â € (13-4). This quote shows how much her grandmother doesn’t want her to have the marriage she wants. Janie wants the hugs and the kisses, which is what makes her dream marriage seem so incredible. Janie wants to marry because she loves that person, she doesn’t want to marry out of convenience. Janie’s grandmother lived in a time where love didn’t exist and that is what makes her push Janie to marry Logan. During those times it was hard to find a marriage between African American women that contained love. Logan further aggravates the marriage because he expects Janie to show her appreciation for what he has done for her. Logan feels that he does Janie a huge favor by marrying her, but in all actuality, Janie is miserable. Logan has no respect for Janie’s feelings. Although Logan tries to be polite to her there is no sincerity in what he does because he just doesn’t care. Again Logan feels he’s doing Janie a favor. As Boston Globe s taff member, Renee Graham, writes about an interview by Valerie Boyd, she reveals that Hurston writes from experience, â€Å"She often worked as a maid and may have endured an abusive common-law marriage to a man who, Boyd posits, may have provided bitter inspiration for the cruel Logan Killicks in â€Å"Their Eyes Were Watching God.†(Hurston, who married not wisely but often, officially had three husbands. Writes Boyd, â€Å"Zora was afraid that matrimony would only widen her hips and narrow her life.†).
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Levels of Health Care for a Brain Tumor Patient Essay
Levels of Health Care for a Brain Tumor Patient - Essay Example Brain tumors can be diagnosed through various processes: physical examination, neurologic examination, a Computerised Tomography (CT) scan and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). By physical examination, general health signs are checked. Neurologic examination is where the doctor examines the patient for attentiveness, strength of the muscles and coordination, any spontaneous effect and reaction to pain. The doctor also conducts an examination of the eyes to identify any swelling of the nerve connecting the brain and the eye which might have been caused by the pressure inserted by the tumor. With CT scan, an X-ray is conducted where the results are observed from a computer connected to the x-ray machine which clearly shows the position and the size of the tumors. MRI is where a high magnetic material is connected to a computer which shows detailed and clear pictures of the body that is provided by the means of a special dye which makes different tissues distinct. The pictures can be pr inted out (Potts & Mandleco, 2012). The patient undergoing brain tumor care is named Mrs. Y for purposes of patient confidentiality as required by the nursing and medical ethic. Primary level of health care is the first step where patients are exposed to health care systems which are normally the smaller health care facilities like the dispensaries serving the local community. Mostly, this unit involves simple diagnostic measures, preventive and curative where in-patients services are rare. Nurses are mostly found in this stage that will refer the patient to a district hospital which provides better services and in-patients services. The nurse examines the general sciences and symptoms of illness from the patient who then refers the patient for further treatment from the district level because the facility has no the necessary machines and equipment to examine the patient further (Potts & Mandleco 2012). The nurse can only administer pain killers to the patient. District level hospi tals have nurses, doctors and physicians who can conduct imaging, laboratory tests, simple X-rays and theaters to conduct simple surgeries. Most of the doctors and physicians could be operating in the provincial hospitals; therefore, they are only present in the hospitals rarely. The patient is given a chance to explain herself. Snooks state that because there is lack of proper equipment to critically examine the patient’s brain, the physician will have no choice but to refer the patient to the next level (2009). The physician explains to the patient and the family members of her condition and the challenge the facility is facing, the complexity of the condition and the cost of the procedure. The physician writes a note of referral which provides the initial examinations and any medication the patient has been given during this level. Mrs. Y may have a difficult time understanding her condition; many people view that any disease of the brain may result in madness. Therefore, counseling services may be provided by the administration to the patient and the family to reduce tension and stress (Potts & Mandleco 2012). The financial services to cover Mrs. Y treatment during this stage and to the next level may subject the family members some stress. Secondary level of health care refers to a stage with more sophisticated facilities as well as specialists in a particular area. Highly trained doctors, nurses, surgeons and physicians are readily available. This may be a provincial hospita
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