Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Stata Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Stata Project - Essay Example From the above calculations, one can be 99% sure that the populaces mean help level of the Londoners in help for the â€Å"Living Wage†is somewhere in the range of 53.36 and 79.9734 that is basing on an example of 15 members. From the computations, the mean help level of the Londoners in help for the â€Å"Living Wage†was seen as 66.6667 showing that there exists backing of the â€Å"Living Wage†among the Londoners however anyway it's anything but a full help. Full help would have implied a normal of 100 which isn't the situation as directed by the figures. A cross classification was done so as to explore the connection between the book of scriptures and the training level (educ). The table beneath shows the outcomes produced in stata. From the table obviously there is a noteworthy degree of reliance between the good book and the training level (educ). The thought that individuals have of the holy book depends to some more noteworthy degree on the instruction scale (level). As indicated by the table, p-value=0.000
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Martial Art School for Kids
Presentation Martial expressions are broad framework including a few systematized practices and conventions of battling. It is typically polished for a few reasons, some of which incorporate for self preservation, physical wellbeing, wellness, and at times rivalry (Micah, 2007, 7-15).Advertising We will compose a custom research paper test on Martial Art School for Kids explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More A section from that, a few people accept it as a psychological and profound turn of events. Be that as it may, in the cutting edge society, this term hand to hand fighting has been significantly connected with battling craftsmanship, all the more so from the eastern piece of Asia. There is have to inquire about on why more individuals are joining hand to hand fighting class so as to adapt these days. The inquiry is: the reason there are such a large number of individuals keen on learning military workmanship, yet there is no military school for kids. Guardians hav e a specific level of expert on what their youngsters may do or not do. Consequently, with regards to hand to hand fighting, guardians will in general gander at the wellbeing of their youngsters, on account of what it includes. Hand to hand fighting specialists will disclose to you that, guardians really put their youngsters in an increasingly risky circumstance when they don't urge them to do military craftsmanship. Then again, more established individuals do military workmanship inferable from for wellbeing reasons and helpful as opposed to self protection (Micah, 2007, pp.16-36). Subsequently, this is a theme that requires broad research, due to the essentialness of the training not exclusively to grown-ups, yet in addition to small kids, in light of the fact that simply like grown-ups, kids additionally need to practice and have military workmanship abilities. Target of the Research This goal of this exploration is to attempt to clarify why inclines in this industry shows that i ndividuals are done looking for hand to hand fighting classes fundamentally for barrier abilities, on the grounds that in most present social orders individuals are fairly determined by different reasons, which incorporate wellness, entertainment and others. Also, why have more guardians chose to enlist their kids so as to keep them dynamic and fit, while the older look for administrations to expand their equalization and coordination. My proposition on this record is that; in light of the battling like practices associated with this workmanship, numerous individuals accept military craftsmanship as a hazardous and perilous thing to do.Advertising Looking for investigate paper on sociologies? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More They don't see different advantages separated from increasing self protection aptitudes. Albeit gradually, individuals have begun to understand different preferences of this training, not many people are prepared to travel this street, more with regards to their children, on account of the dread of ingraining in their children, rehearses that may jeopardize their lives. Essential Data Collection Method In request to do a get the significant and right data/information in the exploration, there must be an appropriate system of getting the necessary data, more from parties that are concerned, specifically guardians and children. Since the issue and the target of the exploration have been expressed, coming up next are the means to be taken in the examination procedure (Russel, 2006, pp.23-68). First is to know, which examine technique to use in inquiring about. There are a few research strategies to be utilized that can be examination inquire about techniques, subjective research strategy, quantitative research strategy, inspecting research technique or precise research strategy. Every one of these strategies share the accompanying thing for all intents and purpose; they are worried ab out assortment of information/data and they give techniques for dissecting the wellsprings of information. Furthermore, these strategies unmistakably characterize how to get data from the sources, techniques for investigating and deciphering the information gathered, lastly how to introduce the procured outcomes, all together for perusers of any exploration work to comprehend the specific result of the examination work (Ian, 2008, pp.12-35). In this examination study, there is have to know the current data. This will empower one to realize what sort of data to look into. The statistical surveying will happen in a previously settled military workmanship schools and coming up next are the essential information assortment strategies to be utilized. To begin with, perception is the primary wellspring of data in the field of research. This will be finished by methods for mechanical, gadgets, and human techniques, which either include immediate or aberrant contact.Advertising We will comp ose a custom research paper test on Martial Art School for Kids explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More This strategy includes looking and listening cautiously so as to find specific data subsequent to dissecting their conduct. This kind of information assortment strategy will offer the chance to record the objective gathering conduct legitimately. It follows that the data gathered through this strategy is exact when contrasted with the rest. A portion of its hindrances are that, it is costly and tedious when contrasted with other essential techniques for information assortment. Additionally, the data gathered could be misshaped with biasness and the thinking about the agent. Such is the situation, since probabilities of the considerable number of respondents giving definite data about this subject is uncommon, because of the way that, various people hold various recognitions about his theme (Weller, 1988, pp. 9 †23). The other essential information assortment te chnique that will be utilized in this examination work is close to home meeting. For this situation, a survey will be utilized as information assortment apparatus. There are two different ways to utilize the survey. To start with, it will be sent to the respondents who will fill in the data required by addressing the inquiries posed in it. At the point when they are done, they will be gathered by the specialist or they can send them back. The other that polls will be utilized is by the specialist sorting out and meeting with the respondents, after which the respondents will be posed the inquiries as the scientist fills them, as a method of getting criticism. This is progressively proper when the focused on bunch is uneducated (can't peruse or compose) (Russel, 2006, pp. 15-46). When contrasted with up close and personal meetings, this sort of strategy will be financially savvy, it will be recognizable to the vast majority, and it will decrease any center man biasness that originates from closely-held convictions affected by the respondent (Weller, 1988, pp. 12-33). Nonetheless, this technique will be tedious and very costly, as a result of the development that will be included. It tends to be likewise scary to certain individuals who may think that its awkward to sharing some data that the poll requires, taking into account this is a subject that is seen contrastingly by the whole society (Sirch, 200,pp.12-36).Advertising Searching for examine paper on sociologies? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More A third technique that will be utilized is phone meet. This is one of the most vital essential information assortment techniques. As Weller (1988, pp. 16-24) contends, this technique is easy to utilize (choosing phone numbers, call timing, call results and call reports), and it is notable as predominant and most financially savvy in light of the fact that. This is on the grounds that, this techniques has end up being to give high odds of arriving at the respondents from everywhere throughout the world; it spares time utilized in voyaging and all the included expenses. What's more, through this strategy, more data can be gathered in a brief period and there are high odds of arbitrary determination of units among the populace with phone associations (Ian, 2008, pp. 22-36). Be that as it may, it has the accompanying inadequacies. Right off the bat, it is difficult to utilize visual guides from some populace and the high likelihood of suspending discussions may result to inadequate meeti ngs; henceforth, the nature of data acquired may not be precise. Optional information assortment strategies Secondary information assortment techniques are simpler and more affordable, since they utilize recycled information (Weller, 1988, pp. 23-52). For this situation, the practical objectives are the children and grown-ups in the city who need to learn military craftsmanship, so as to assemble their self-assurance. The techniques that will be fundamental for this examination will be situated in on contender ‘current system that will follow the different roads that one can use to get the data about the competitors’ current procedures. These techniques incorporate yearly reports, data they provide for the press and some other type of meetings that will be finished by investigators among others. Generally, auxiliary information is gathered from effectively accessible information from magazines, diaries, and entries. Another auxiliary wellspring of information will be th e socioeconomics information broke down from U.S statistics. The information assortment instrument will be planned in a manner to disentangle information arrangement and it ought to be figured so that it is anything but difficult to utilize. These incorporate utilizing meeting guides; perception agenda, center gathering conversation aides, poll, and the overview structures, more when there will be have to gather data from fields (Ian, 2008, pp. 22-59). The poll for the military craftsmanship for kind promoting research is as per the following. Target populace This is a particular gathering of individuals that is recognized as the planned beneficiary of an item, promotion, battle, or research. They are here and there known as target crowd. The intended interest group can be made out of individuals of specific age gathering, sexual orientation, young people, females, singles, and conjugal status. There ought to be alert since it is conceivable to commit an error in attempting to arriv e at everyone and winding up speaking to none (Weller, 1988, pp.16-43). This military workmanship school for youngsters research’s target populace is the two children and grown-up. They can be either enlisted for the military craftsmanship or not yet. This examination undertaking principally targets picks those individuals who are joined up with
Saturday, August 1, 2020
Thanksgiving Productivity Tips
Thanksgiving Productivity Tips How to Stay Productive On Turkey How to Stay Productive On Turkey We love Thanksgiving because, let’s face it, it’s all about food mouthwatering heaping mounds of mashed potatoes, turkey, and corn. However, Thanksgiving is about more than going into a food coma, it’s also about giving thanks. This year, among many things, you should be thankful for the gift of extra time to finish up your college essay! Most major deadlines fall on or around January 1st, so this task is more urgent than ever. If you haven’t started your essay yet, THIS is the time to do it! Right now you’re thinking: But, College Essay Advisors, this is my break! We know, we know. However, once you get back to school, you’re going to be faced with the stress of midterm exams, homework, and extracurriculars. And there is a way to craft a perfect admissions essay and still enjoy every bite of Thanksgiving dinner. Here’s how to stay focused and productive between watching Football and shoveling down cranberry sauce. Dont be bored. While on break, you may have a little bit too much time for binge-watching reruns of The Office. So much, in fact, that you may get bored of watching TV (I know, it sounds crazy). Anytime you hear yourself say (or even think) I’m bored, use it as an opportunity to change the pace and get on your computer to work on your essay. Even if you used the stagnant time to do some research about colleges, anything that supports your application process is a plus! Set goals. You know how you love the competition between your favorite football team and your dad’s? Well, how about a competition between yourself and time? Set a goal to finish a certain amount of your essay every day within a given time period. Only have thirty minutes? See if you can finish one paragraph. All of the time will add up to get you closer and closer to you final goal of securing a spot at the college of your dreams. Use family stories. What a great way to think of the perfect topic for your essay (or one of your supplements)! While you’re sitting around the dinner table, ask your grandparents, aunts, and uncles questions. Ask them about yourself when you were growing up. Ask them for interesting family stories. Write things down if you need to! You may find the perfect topic through the people who matter most to you. On top of that, you will get to hear some pretty great (and probably hilarious) stories that may go back several generations. Smile. Do you know it’s actually scientifically proven that smiling can make you feel happier? There’s a lot of pressure on you right now to write an amazing essay and get into a good college. To say the least, it’s hard. You may feel yourself omitting negative emotions. So, during this high-stress time, force a few smiles and you may see it starting to affect your mood :-). Make a playlist. Who better than Sia and Justin Bieber to motivate you through the essay process? Dancing along to your favorite tracks could help you soar right through your personal statement. So, blast your iPod (kids still have those right?) and write to the beat of your favorite songs! We hope you’re as thankful for these tips as we are for all the food we’re going to consume in a few days! About Rebecca SemenetzView all posts by Rebecca Semenetz »
Friday, May 22, 2020
Cold Blood The Trial Of The Century - 966 Words
In Cold Blood verses the Trial of the Century Timelines and storytelling are two of the important aspects of any trial which occurs in the American Courts. The story of â€Å"In Cold Blood†by Truman Capote’s original publication in a four part article in The New Yorker, In Cold Blood was turned into a movie, some would say a documentary of the mass murder, it mirrors the crime O.J. Simpson was accused of in many aspects as being brutal and deliberate but as in both instances the stories appear to bring humanity and humanize the villains, whether it be a dirty cop, a murdering husband or just two ex-convicts who go on a murdering spree. In Cold Blood The film In Cold Blood based on Truman Capote’s novel tells the true story of two ex-convicts who go on a murder rampage in the state of Kansas and then were on the run after killing a family of four. It appears in the movie that the motive for the crime was greed as the two are depicted as two hoodlum or typical criminal personalities. However, as the story unfolds about the two murderers, there seems to be come mitigating circumstances which are exposed as to why they were the way they were. When two monstrous personalities get together, havoc ensues. Pursuant to the way this story was told, it led one to believe that although villainous, and their senseless acts of deplorable violence, there were circumstances that lead to humanizing the villains through the story telling. By Capote sensationalizing this crime it could beShow MoreRelatedCold Blood : The Trial Of The Century1891 Words  | 8 PagesIn Cold Blood verses the Trial of the Century In Cold Blood brought about many social concerns and it was the cold and brutal facts of such a gruesome murder which was brought to the small town and the innocent family. Capote provided a detailed account and documentation of how the police force and legal system work in America. 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Borden and AbbyRead More Plants and Superstitions Essay1739 Words  | 7 Pagesthey blamed another superstition, which was witchcraft. Almost all of the witchcraft misunderstandings were caused by Christianitys persecution of those who refused to abandon pagan beliefs (Zolar, 1995), but not in the case of the Salem Witch trials. In 1692 superstitions somehow became the way of thinking. The misuse of it led to the executions of many innocent people in this country. Witchcraft was the crime, for which they were wrongly accused. Fact Net Inc. (see Internet Source) definesRead MoreNutrition And Its Effects On Health933 Words  | 4 Pagesanxiety, loss of appetite, depressed mood, and a loss of interest in pleasurable activities. The greeks once described depression as chronic melancholy. The term depression was derived from the Latin verb deprimere, to press down. From the 14th century, to depress meant to bring down in spirits. It was used as early as 1665 to refer to someone having a great depression of spirit. Since Aristotle, melancholia had been associated with men of learning and intellectual brilliance, a hazard of contemplationRead Moreâ€Å"Red Alert Is The Colour Of Panic. Elevated To The Point1704 Words  | 7 Pagespeople felt During the Cold War and the Salem Witch Trials. The Crucible takes place in Salem, Massachusetts when he wrote the play in 1953 during the Cold War between the United States and Russia. The Crucible presents an allegory for events in contemporary America. Miller proves that when you plant a seed of lies it will begin to grow and cause mass hysteria allowing everything to snowball out of control. During this time the Salem witch trials were taking place. These trials were a series of hearingsRead MoreEssay The Future Potential of DNA Fingerprinting1338 Words  | 6 Pagesthe effects DNA fingerprinting has had on the trial courts and legal institutions. 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Focusing on Germany, it is clear how their post-WWI treatment led to the birthRead MoreThe Wonders of Vitamin C Essay1146 Words  | 5 Pagesin which we are in a state of constant fear of diseases. From when we are young we are taught repeatedly to wash our hands before every meal and to eat an apple daily. Moreover, we are catechized on a regular basis to bundle up so we do not catch a cold or pneumonia. Likewise, our doctors advise us to visit them annually to make sure we don’t have deficiency related disorders such as scurvy or anemia. What if there is a vitamin that could aid in preventing the aforementioned illnesses? Would it not
Sunday, May 10, 2020
The First Gasoline Powered Vehicle Essay - 972 Words
The first gasoline powered vehicle was constructed in Germany in 1885. Henry Ford built the first car in the United States in 1896. This is when and how he changed the lives of the American people and their future. Several laws and government restrictions affected the auto industry since the 1960 s. The consumers had numerous concerns to build safer automobiles and safer environments. In 1966, Congress passed a safety act called the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act (Gale 2004). This act improved visibility, safety, and to install a proper braking system so that not only the driver stayed safe, but the passengers as well. Then in the 1970 s, Congress passed yet another act that demanded all automobiles pass a test that decreased emissions by 90% within six (6) years, which was called the Clean Air Act. This act was mainly the result of the oil crisis in the 1970 s when the major industrial countries of the world (US, Canada, Western Europe, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand), and faced large petroleum shortages. This crisis steered stagnant economic growth in many countries as oil prices surged and then by the 1980 s they stabilized. (Ref 1) The auto industry is one of the largest sources of US global warming emissions. Because of this fact, the Union of Concerned Scientists are helping to make vehicles cleaner for everyone here on the earth by having less emissions than in 1896. It is a fact that global warming endangers our national security, our health,Show MoreRelatedHydrogen Powered Vs Electric Powered Vehicles1195 Words  | 5 Pages Hydrogen Powered Versus Electric Powered Vehicles The human race is in the midst of an energy crisis. The gasoline used around the world is currently a non-renewable resource. As the title suggests, the gasoline will eventually be totally consumed in part by the gas guzzling vehicles common today. For this reason, scientists have spent decades researching and developing alternative sources of fuel in order to power daily life on Earth for many years to come. There is a wide array of renewable fuelRead MoreGas .vs. Hybrid Persuasive Essay1614 Words  | 7 PagesGasoline powered vehicles are better! No, hybrids are better! Have you heard these two points-of-view? This last election, the question of energy was a part of both party’s platforms. They talked about wind and solar versus coal and oil, and gasoline versus hybrid vehicles. So here we are, the election is over, but the battle between a gasoline powered vehicles versus a hybrid continues. You might know someone who owns a hybrid car. My uncle bought one in 200 6 and for him it works great, butRead MoreBattery Powered Cars Automobiles Are Increasingly New Within The Auto Industry1651 Words  | 7 PagesBattery powered automobiles are relatively new within the auto industry. Advancements in battery power technology along with the effect of gas emissions and crude oil prices have made battery power a more possible choice than ever before. Are battery powered cars marketable? That is the question that this research paper intends to answer. If battery power is a marketable alternative to gasoline power, what makes it profitable? Who is the target consumer? With the recent prices of oil, some peopleRead MoreElectric Cars1092 Words  | 5 Pages Now, what electric vehicles really are? Simply put, electric vehicles are vehicles that are powered by an electric motor instead of an internal combustion engine. Electric vehicle use electricity as the fuel instead of gasoline or some other combustible fuel. The electric motor in an electric vehicle converts electricity, usually from a battery pack, into mechanical power to turn the wheels. Major auto manufacturers are producing high-performance electric vehicles not only in the form Read MoreThe Automobile Is A Road Vehicle Essay973 Words  | 4 Pagesautomobile has been the most beneficial in our society. An automobile is a road vehicle, typically with four wheels, powered by an internal combustion engine or an electric motor and is able to carry a small number of people. The first person who invented the automobile was Karl Benz from Germany. He invented the road vehicle in 1886. Meanwhile, the vehicle was sought out to be the most social and economically powered invention that was brought into existence. In the mist of that, four hundred andRead MoreGas Vs. Diesel Vehicles1714 Words  | 7 PagesEmissions Gasoline and diesel vehicles have been around for a long period of time ever since they were first designed around the 1930’s. The diesel market is in the middle of a revolution. Over the years that diesel has been around there are new enhancements that are increasing engine power and torque, lowering emissions and enhancing fuel economy, creating new and cleaner diesel vehicles. Through advancements in technology, gasoline and diesel powered vehicles have evolved since they were first designedRead MoreEssay Electric Cars1057 Words  | 5 Pagescar? Now, what electric vehicles really are? Simply put, electric vehicles are vehicles that are powered by an electric motor instead of an internal combustion engine. Electric vehicle use electricity as the â€Å"fuel†instead of gasoline or some other combustible fuel. The electric motor in an electric vehicle converts electricity, usually from a battery pack, into mechanical power to turn the wheels. Major auto manufacturers are producing high-performance electric vehicles not only in the form ofRead More What To Do About The Pollution Essay979 Words  | 4 Pagespersonal motor vehicles are doing to our environment? Gasoline powered vehicles are one of the biggest causes of the depletion of our ozone. There are so many ways we can clean up our environment, but first we need to stop polluting it. If a major action were to be taken, efficient funds would need to be collected in order for any project to be successful. That is why I propose that in order to fund conservation of the natural environment, the federal government should increase gasoline tax by $1.00Read MoreGasoline Fueled Or Electric Vehicles?1515 Words  | 7 PagesGasoline-Fueled or Electric Vehicles? At the status quo, due to the gradually worse global warming climate and other environmental concerns caused by gasoline-fueled vehicles, more and more manufacturers launch hybrid or electric vehicles as EVs (electric vehicles) are more cost effective, have better energy efficiency, the most important of all, EVs cause less environmental damage than gasoline-powered vehicle does. Nevertheless, in terms of the ‘greener’ EVs, some people believe that EVs mightRead MoreGoing Geen in the Automotive Industry1329 Words  | 5 Pagesconclusions on what vehicle is better some say that the electric car is the better one and some say the gas-car is better but which is the better one ?there are many debates on which car is better there are many facts out there on why.one is better than the other so this research paper is going to be related to this topic and is going to explain how each vehicle is better than the other in their own way. This whole going green in the automotive industry is to get rid of gasoline cars however
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Developmental and Social psychology Free Essays
string(108) " it enables individuals to act in a sociably acceptable way by restraining the id’s undesirable impulses\." Patch 1 Development Psychology This essay will explain how the cognitive development theory and psychoanalytic theory explain personality. There are a variety of different research methods that are used when conducting psychological research, yet it remains arguable which method has proven the best. Still, the two main types that are frequently being used are cross-sectional research and longitudinal research. We will write a custom essay sample on Essay on Developmental and Social psychology? or any similar topic only for you Order Now Cross-sectional research involves analysing different groups of people from different ages and then reaching a conclusion. Longitudinal research involves studying the same group of people over a long period of time so that changes made over time can be properly analysed. Arguably, longitudinal research appears to be the most applicable method in gathering data on development psychology as the changes in individual personalities can be monitored appropriately. Introduction Development psychology is a scientific study which provides an explanation as to why changes occur within human beings. Whilst development psychology was previously aimed at children, it now looks at the behavioural changes of adults so that a better understanding of individual development can be made. Aristotle used the word ‘psyche’ to describe the structure (sole) of the human body and thus believed that the psyche â€Å"controlled reproduction, movement and perception†(Honderich, 1995, p. 727). He believed that observation was the essence of life and that in order to understand anything; individuals first had to observe, listen and then think about it. Aristotle’s notion was thus an extension of Plato’s work who had previously asserted that the human mind has all the knowledge it needs. He believed that the mind had three different parts (Tripartite Mind) and that in order to achieve a healthy mind; each part was to be balanced equally (Stocks, 1915, p. 207). Over-reliance upon any of the parts is what he believes leads to the expression of personality (Shuttleworth, 2010, p. 1). Nature/Nurture The nature/nurture debate is based upon the notion that individual behaviour is the result of either being inherited (nature) or acquired (nurture). However, whilst it is clear that characteristics such as hair, eye and skin colour have all been inherited, it is less clear whether an individual’s personality has been. McLeod (2007, p. 1) believes that â€Å"psychological characteristics and behavioral differences that emerge through infancy and childhood are the result of learning.†Therefore, he believes that personality depends upon how an individual has been brought up. Tomasic (2006, p. 202), on the other hand, believes that personality is both inherited and acquired: â€Å"personality is caused/influenced by the environment; personality is inherent in our genetic make-up; personality is a mix of both genetic and environmental influences.†Arguably, it is clear that the latter is more reflective of individual personalities in today’s society since chan ges within a person’s behaviour frequently occur. In effect, it seems as though an individual is born within a certain personality which changes over time as a result of environmental influences. Not all agree with this, however, and instead argue that children are born with a blank personality which is formed through social interaction. This was recognised by John Locke who made it clear that all men are equal by nature and that â€Å"the bulk of the observed variation among individuals was due to environment†(Loehlin, 1982, p. 119). Jean-Jacques Rousseau supported the views of Locke although she believed that all children are innocent and good and that they simply become corrupted by society and all that is wrong within it (Lam et al, 2011, p. 5). Whilst this is similar to Locke’s views, he believed that children are manipulated into a form that is acceptable by society (Lam et al, 2011, p. 5). Therefore, whilst both views are similar, they differ in their perceptions of the new born child. The Minnesota Twin study which was conducted by Thomas J. Bouchard and began in 1979, however, demonstrated that identical twins separated at birth had remarkably similar personalities despite the fact that they had different upbringings (Bouchard et al, 1990, p. 223). In effect, this suggests that individual pers onalities are actually inherited, although certain traits can still be acquired. It is doubtful that this resolves the nature/nurture debate, nonetheless, since it has been said that â€Å"naturally, the researchers paid special attention to their similarities and may have come to mythologize the twins relationship.†Accordingly, the Minnesota study cannot be relied upon and it seems as though personality is actually a mix of both nature and nurture. Psychoanalytical Theory Sigmund Freud believes that individual personalities are created by the unconscious mind and that â€Å"human beings are driven by powerful biological urges that must be satisfied (Shaffer, 1996, p. 39). These urges are known as Eros which is the life instinct and Thanatos which is the death instinct. Eros ensure that activities are conducted which help to sustain life such as breathing and eating, whilst Thanatos is the aggressive instinct which promotes destruction such as fighting and murder. Nevertheless, the kind of urges in which Freud refers to are those which are undesirable and selfish since he argues that â€Å"human beings have basic sexual and aggressive instincts which must be served; yet society dictates that many of these needs are undesirable and must be restrained†(Shaffer, 1996, p. 39). Therefore, whilst all children are born with certain instincts, it is evident that these can be managed appropriately by their parents who help to shape their personality tr aits. Essentially, the first few years of a child’s life thereby â€Å"play a major role in shaping their conduct and character†(Shaffer, 1996, p. 39). According to Freud, there are three different components of an individual’s personality which are the id, the ego and the superego. The id is the only component that is present at birth and helps to satisfy natural inborn instincts. The ego is the conscious component of the personality which reflects a child’s ability to learn and the superego component is the final component which is developed from the moral values and standards of a child’s parents. This latter component is thus the most important element of personality as it enables individuals to act in a sociably acceptable way by restraining the id’s undesirable impulses. You read "Essay on Developmental and Social psychology?" in category "Essay examples" Nevertheless, although Freud believes that sex is the most important stages of development, not all agree that young children are actually sexual beings and instead believe that Freud’s studies are inaccurate. Thus, Freud based most of his f indings on a small number of emotionally disturbed adults (Crews, 1996, p. 63) which cannot be relied upon. Cognitive Theory Cognitive theories relate to the development of an individual’s thought process which helps us to understand and adapt to society. The cognitive process is thus considered to be the â€Å"processes or faculties by which knowledge is acquired and manipulated.†(Bjorklund, 2011, p. 3). Cognitive behaviour is therefore a reflection of the developing mind and is unobservable. Jean Piaget is one of the main cognitive theorists who helped to shape the way people think about children and made it clear that all human beings develop their personalities through their own cognitive abilities. Accordingly, Piaget believed that intelligence was a basic life function and that â€Å"all intellectual activity is undertaken with one goal in mind: to produce a balanced, or harmonious relationship between one’s thought processes and the environment†(Kipp and Shaffer, 2012, p. 202). In effect, this theory demonstrates that children’s personalities develop from challen ges which are not immediately understood. Hence, Piaget believed that imbalances exist between children’s modes of thinking and environment events which â€Å"prompt them to make mental adjustments that enable them to cope with puzzling new experiences and thereby restore cognitive equilibrium†(Kipp and Shaffer, 2012, p. 202). Cognitive theorists thereby argue that children simply adapt to the environment through their own cognitive abilities which ultimately shapes their personality. Conclusion Overall, there are clearly different views as to how an individual’s personality is shaped and although many argue that it is inherited, others disagree and believe that it is acquired from societal influences. Arguably, after reviewing both the cognitive development theory and the psychoanalytic theory it seems as though personality is in fact a mix of both nature and nurture. This is because, although children do have some traits that are inherited and exist within the unconscious mind, an individual’s thought process does actually develop from adaption. Accordingly, children are thus prompted to make mental adjustments that enable them to cope with puzzling experiences which widely influences their own personality. Patch 2 Social Psychology Introduction Social influence happens when an individual’s behaviour is affected by external factors such as conformity, compliance and obedience, bystander intervention, social loathing and social facilitating. Morton Deutsch and Harold Gerald (1955, p. 629) thus made it clear that social influence is the result of two psychological needs; informational social influence and normative social influence which are the need to be right and the need to be liked. Arguably, social influence thereby refers to the effect in which individuals have upon one another and can happen intentionally or unintentionally as a result of the way in which the person who has been influenced perceives themselves (Changing Minds, 2002, p. 1). Concepts of Social Influence Conformity, compliance and obedience are the three main areas of social influence and often occur simultaneously. This is because, â€Å"those that conform tend to be obedient and compliant†(Constable et al, 2002, p. 1). Nevertheless, whilst conformity refers to the changes an individual makes so that they can be more like others, compliance relates to the changes an individual makes as a result of being asked. Furthermore, obedience refers to the process of obeying an order that has been made and often means that the individual has no choice but to make the changes unlike the former two social influences where the individual does have a choice. Coercion is the strongest form of social influences, nonetheless, since this forces and individual to change their behaviour even though they are reluctant to do so. Coercion is thereby the least common form of social influence since real feelings may not actually be changed. Hence, where social influence occurs voluntarily, it is ev ident that the individual will have made the changes themselves and therefore changes the way they feel about a particular situation. This was recognised by Rashotte who pointed out that; â€Å"social influence is the process by which individuals make real changes to their feelings and behaviours as a result of interaction with others who are perceived to be similar, desirable or expert.†In effect, Rashotte (1999, p. 4426) does not believe that social influences also consists of compliance and obedience because of the fact that individuals do not have a choice but to make the changes required from them. Because of this, it is unlikely that the feelings of an individual will actually be changed if they have been forced to make the transformation. It is questionable whether these views are accurate, nonetheless, since it has been put by Perloff (2012, p. 18); â€Å"social influence – coercion and persuasion – exerts powerful, not always positive, effects on human behaviour.†Therefore, even if the social influence has resulted involuntary, this does not indicate that social influence has not taken place. Instead, a more powerful form of change has been exerted which has had a significant impact upon human behaviour. Social facilitating is the process whereby individuals improve their behaviours when other people are watching. Therefore, whenever a person is undertaking a task, it is likely that they will do better at that task if other people are watching as they will alter their behaviour so that they can impress the onlookers. This is a mild but common form of social influence and illustrates that people can be affected by the mere presence of others. This can, however, be real, imagined or implied and was first recognised by Norman Triplett in 1898 when he conducted a study on the speed record of cyclists. It was concluded by Triplett that the speed of cyclists was faster when racing against each other than it was when racing against time alone (McLeod, 2011, p. 1). Social facilitating does depend on the individual concerned, nonetheless, because the behaviour will not always be improved and in some cases, the quality of the individuals performance may be impaired (Aiello, 2001, p. 163). Social loafing is similar to social facilitation, yet whilst social facilitation tends to improve an individual’s performance, social loafing tends to slow someone down and prevents them from working as hard. Nevertheless, social loafing does not occur when being watched by others but when working in a group with others since it is felt that many individuals work harder when they are alone than when they are in a group. This is also known as the free-rider theory which means that â€Å"self interested individuals lack incentives to contribute voluntarily to the provision of public goods, or to reveal their true valuations of such goods†(Asch and Gigliotti, 1991, p. 33). An example of social loathing was provided in a study conducted on individuals involved in a tug-of-war game. Here, it was found that â€Å"people playing tug-of-war while blindfolded pulled harder if they thought they were competing alone. When they thought others were on their team, they made less of an effort†(Coon and Mitterer, 2008, p. 541). Perspectives and Methods of Research It is evident that social influence arises because of a number of different influential factors and the only way this can be identified is by undertaking a number of different activities involving humans. This enables a determination to be made as to whether the true feelings of the individuals involved have been influenced. Nevertheless, because of the complex nature scientific studies have, it is questionable whether the thoughts, feelings and behaviours of human beings can be accurately measured through empirical methods of investigation. This is because, it has been argued by Thomas Kuhn (1970, p. 4) that empirical methods of investigation are â€Å"influenced by prior beliefs and experiences.†Essentially, it could therefore be said that the studies conducted would have produced different results if they were undertaken by a different scientist. Conclusion Overall, there are a number of different concepts of social influence which appear to have been proven by empirical methods of investigation. These include conformity, compliance and obedience, bystander intervention, social loathing and social facilitating and can occur voluntary or involuntary. Social influence thus arises as a result of two human needs which are the need to be right and the need to be liked and happen depending upon the ways in which the individual perceives themselves. In proving these different concepts, a number of scientific studies have been carried out which all aim to demonstrate how social influence affects the changes of human behaviour. Nevertheless, although these methods have proven workable in explaining human behaviour, the accuracy of these methods has been questioned. This is because; it is believed that different outcomes would be produced if a different person conducted the studies since past experiences and current knowledge are said to widely i nfluence the tests that are being performed. Despite this, it is evident that changes to human behaviour frequently arise which is largely the result of the changes that are being made within society whether they are intentional or unintentional. References Aiello, J. R. (2001). Social Facilitation from Triplett to Electronic. Group Dynamics, Theory, Research and Practice. 5(3). Asch, P. and Gigliotti, G. A. (1991). The Free-Rider Paradox: Theory, Evidence and Teaching. The Journal of Economic Education, 22(1). Bjorklund, D. F. (2011). Children’s Thinking. Wadsworth Publishing Co Inc. 5th Edition. Bouchard, T. J. Lykken, D. T. McGue, M. Segal, N. L. and Tellegen, A. (1990). Sources of Human Psychological Differences: The Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart. Science New Series, 250(4978). Changing Minds. (2002). Social Influence. Retrieved 27 December, 2012, from http://changingminds.org/explanations/theories/social_influence.htm Constable, S. Schuler, Z. Klaber, L. and Rakauskas, M. (1999). Conformity, Compliance and Obedience. Retrieved 27 December, 2012, from http://www.units.muohio.edu/psybersite/cults/cco.shtml Coon, D. and Mitterer, J. O. (2008). Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behaviour with Concept Maps and Reviews, Cengage Learning. Crews, F. (1996). The Verdict on Freud. Psychological Science, 7(63). Deutsche, M. and Gerard, H. B. (1955). A Study of Normative and Informational Social Influences upon Individual Judgement. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology. 51(629). Honderich, T. (1995). The Oxford Companion to Philosophy. Oxford University Press. Kipp, K. and Shaffer, D. (2012). Developmental Psychology: Childhood and Adolescence. Wadsworth Publishing Co. 9th Edition. Kuhn, T. (1970). The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Chicago University Press. 2nd Edition. Lam, V. O’Donnell, V. L. Gillibrand, R. (2011). Development Psychology. Prentice Hall. 1st Edition. Loehlin, J. C. (1982). John Locke and Behaviour Genetics. Behaviour Genetics, 13(1). McLeod, S. (2007). Nature Nurture in Psychology. Retrieved 27 December, 2012, from http://www.simplypsychology.org/naturevsnurture.html McLeod, S. (2011). Social Facilitation. Retrieved 27 December, 2012, from http://www.simplypsychology.org/Social-Facilitation.html Perloff, R. M. (2012). The Dynamics of Persuasion: Communication and Attitudes in the Twenty-First Century. Taylor Francis. 4th Edition. Rashotte, L. (1999). Social Influence. Retrieved 27 December, 2012, from www.sociologyencyclopedia.com/fragr_image/media/social Shaffer, D. R. (2009). Social and Personality Development. Cengage Learning, 6th Edition. Stocks, J. L. (1915). Plato and the Tripartite Soul. Mind: A Quarterly Review of Psychology and Philosophy, 24(94). Shuttleworth, M. (2010). Aristotle’s Psychology. Retrieved 26 December, 2012, from http://explorable.com/aristotles-psychology.html Tomasic, T. (2006). Personality: Nature vs. Nurture or Something in BetweenRetrieved 27 December, 2012, from http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/bb/neuro/neuro06/web1/ttomasic.html How to cite Essay on Developmental and Social psychology?, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Light A Fundamental Force In Our World Essays -
Light: A Fundamental Force In Our World If asked what light is, one could say that it's one of the most basic elements of our world and our universe as we perceive it. It is through sight that we receive 90% of our information. It is through the use of telescopes aiding the naked eye that we are aware of the heavenly bodies around us. It is through light that the energy from the sun is transferred to us. The sun's energy supports the food chain; plants use it to turn water and CO2 into energy usable by other organisms. Solar energy was also used, indirectly, to produce all of the fossil fuels that we consume daily. Since light is such a basic part of our existence, we should have a basic understanding of what it is. What we call light, the intangible, powerful force that powers our world, is somewhat hard to define in real terms. It shares properties with both particles and waves. It follows the same rules as a wave does--it moves in a regular fashion, in a perfect sine wave at a certain frequency. It travels in a straight line, and is subject to refraction. All of these characteristics are found in waves of any type, from radio frequency waves, up to Gamma and X- rays. Light, however, also exhibits qualities characteristic of particles such as neutrons and protons. A photon, or quanta, is the "packet" of energy that is sent in a light wave. Like a particle, the photon is believed to have a finite mass, and has the ability to affect other matter. As light strikes a photovoltaic solar cell, it knocks electrons in the silicon atoms on the surface into a higher state of energy. When these return to their normal, or "ground" state, energy is produced in the form of electricity. Thus, light is termed a "wave-particle," and this property is called the "wave-particle duality of nature." Many questions concerning what makes up light still lie unanswered, but this much is thought to be true. Light can be produced in a variety of ways. Our sun, like other stars, uses nuclear fusion to produce energy in the form of light and radiation. We can produce light artificially using several methods. If one starts a fire, it produces light and heat. (Heat, which is infrared radiation, is another type of light energy.) The light and heat are a result of a chemical reaction, the combining of oxygen with the carbon in the wood. This reaction leaves behind products which have less potential energy than they started with. The energy, which left as light and heat, was produced when electrons dropped in energy levels during the reaction. The excess energy from one atom was given off as a photon, producing light. If one examines a fluorescent or incandescent light bulb, one can see that all it is doing is having electricity stimulate a metallic or gaseous substrate, causing it to give off photons. The principle is the same as it was with the fire, only it is more controlled. Still more controlled is the laser, which puts out its photons in a single frequency. This is achieved through a carefully designed apparatus which stimulates materials in a way that allows them to only put out light at a certain wavelength. Laser light is, therefore, of all one color. White light, or sunlight, is a broad mixture of wavelengths. All methods of producing light, natural and artificial, share one common feature: they rely on electrons changing energy levels to produce the photons. As there are a variety of methods of producing light, so are there a multitude of ways it can be applied. The most obvious use of light is in supporting our food chain. Without light energy, nothing could live on our planet. The plants, which are at the bottom of the food chain, supply energy to all other organisms. We as humans are adapted to having sunlight around us, and taking in information with our eyes. Aside from keeping us alive, light is also employed in highly specialized applications. Laser light is being used in surgery. The highly concentrated beam of light is far more precise than any surgeon's hand, and much finer than the sharpest blade. In the area of communications, light is used in fiber optic networks for fast, crystal-clear connections. (Fiber optics allow light to travel in a finely directed path with very little distortion.) Optical components in computers are starting to see use. Also, lasers are being
Friday, March 20, 2020
A Medieval Joke essays
A Medieval Joke essays Earlier in the semester an assignment was given to respond to less serious treatments dealing with the medieval period. In Ellis Peters A Morbid Taste for Bones and Monty Pythons Holy Grail themes such as Good versus Evil, feudalism, and the belief in myths and magic were discussed. However there are other themes that are found in two other more serious treatments of the medieval period. In Judith M. Bennetts A Medieval Life, which tells the story of Cecilia Penifader of Brigstock and her family; and Carolly Ericksons The Medieval Vision, a collection of various essays regarding the medieval period. In these works the themes of religion and rituals, the role of women, and the role of Lords will be discussed. In Bennetts A Medieval Life, religion and rituals are things that played a large part in the lives of the people during this time. First, Cecilias religious world was strikingly homogeneous; she might have heard stories about Jews or heretics, but the world in which she lived offered no alternative religious practices. Coming from a small community as Cecilia did, there was no room for choice in what to believe in. Cecilia lived in a controlled setting. Her beliefs were forced upon her, if her beliefs were to wander she would be considered a heretic, and would have been killed. All that she knew of religion was learned through word of mouth and from watching services. Lent was an example of a holiday ritual that they celebrated. The Final week of Lent was Holy Week. On the last Sunday before Easter, the Penifaders brought branches to be blessed, a celebration of spring growth that also remembered the palms strewn before Jesus as he entered Jerusalem. From this excerpt, it is obvious that Lent is celebrated much the same way now as it was back then. However, they did not end the week long ritual with the hunting for Easter baskets. People who lived in the Medi...
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Three Primes of Alchemy (Paracelsus Tria Prima)
Three Primes of Alchemy (Paracelsus Tria Prima) Paracelsus identified three primes (tria prima) of alchemy. The Primes are related to the Law of the Triangle, in which two components come together to produce the third. In modern chemistry, you cant combine the element sulfur and mercury to produce the compound table salt, yet alchemy recognized substances reacted to yield new products. Tria Prima, the Three Alchemy Primes Sulfur – The fluid connecting the High and the Low. Sulfur was used to denote the expansive force, evaporation, and dissolution.Mercury - The omnipresent spirit of life. Mercury was believed to transcend the liquid and solid states. The belief carried over into other areas, as mercury was thought to transcend life/death and heaven/earth.Salt - Base matter. Salt represented the contractive force, condensation, and crystallization. Metaphorical Meanings of the Three Primes Sulfur Mercury Salt Aspect of Matter flammable volatile solid Alchemy Element fire air earth/water Human Nature spirit mind body Holy Trinity Holy Spirit Father Son Aspect of Psyche superego ego id Existential Realm spiritual mental physical Paracelsus devised the three primes from the alchemists Sulfur-Mercury Ratio, which was the belief that each metal was made from a specific ratio of sulfur and mercury and that a metal could be converted into any other metal by adding or removing sulfur. So, if one believed this to be true, it made sense lead could be converted into gold if the correct protocol could be found for adjusting the amount of sulfur. Alchemists would work with the three primes using a process called Solve Et Coagula, which translates to mean dissolving and coagulating. Breaking apart materials so they could recombine was considered a method of purification. In modern chemistry, a similar process is used to purify elements and compounds through crystallization. Matter is either melted or else dissolved and then allowed to recombine to yield a product of higher purity than the source material. Paracelsus also held the belief that all life consisted of three parts, which could be represented by the Primes, either literally or figuratively (modern alchemy). The three-fold nature is discussed in both Eastern and Western religious traditions. The concept of two joining together to become one is also related. Opposing masculine sulfur and feminine mercury would join to produce salt or the body.
Monday, February 17, 2020
TOCYO's Approach Managing People Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
TOCYO's Approach Managing People - Assignment Example The report will discuss the issues that were currently being faced by the company. The company was in quite a lot of mess there were many issues in nearly all the departments of the company as well as the management alos had issues amongst themselves. The report will identify the issues, present the causes of the issues and then present a solution for the problem. The only solution for the company is to bring about a whole revamping era into his firm so as to make sure that they can grab back their marketing share and as well as start making profits. INTRODUCTION The company was founded by Harold Bennett who was an ex-marine engineer, he company was working successfully under him and there were no serious issues, but when issues started to raise their heads, he sold the company to another person and stopped his interference in the company, but later when once again the company was losing out on its market share the new owner decided to sell it. Gordon Bennett, who was a family member of the founder felt that the company should once again come back into the family decided to undergo a management buyout. ... Each departmental head was on the look out to create benefit for themselves and for her friends. The employee were not being paid properly, there was serious discrepancies in the pays that were being handed out and the employees hence felt degraded and left out. There were serious financial drains in the company in the form of part time workers and failed experiments. Also, some of the departmental heads had made many things an egotistical issue, when there was no such thing. The departmental head had also failed to account for the cultural structure of Mexico where unionism is quite strong and hence the difference in payments was treated as a huge issue. One major thing in the company was the increasing nepotism which always leads to the downfall of companies. Another major issue that he is currently facing is in relation to the relocation, if he merges the two units there will be some layoffs, but it would result in major cost savings, he has to make a decision about it as well and soon, and make sure that decision is in the favor of the employees and the company as a whole. Management Currently there are many issues in the management; in fact some of the major issues which are then leading to smaller issues are emerging from the management. The HR department at first needs a serious bit of change, although Swagg has a lot of experience in the same industry but she really lacks the honesty and the vigor that should be in her as a part of HR department. The kind of employees that you are hire are the ones that really make a difference in today’s business, employees help you create the niche that gives you a competitive advantage in the long run. She should know that
Monday, February 3, 2020
The analysis of the play Los Vendidos by Luis Valdez Research Paper
The analysis of the play Los Vendidos by Luis Valdez - Research Paper Example The treatment of immigrants is surely different in every part of the world. A few welcome the new comers while mostly welcome them by taunts, sarcastic remarks, laughter, irony, and amusement. This becomes quiet irritating for the people who are already new in a certain setup, environment and people. The best behavior of the neighbors adds to their annoyance and frustration. It is not that they do not respect the cultures and the traditions around; it’s just that they need time to settle and get accustomed to the rituals. Most of the people, of the threat of being discriminated, try to change their nationality and identity. The past which they tend to forget is the most threatening thing for them and for their culture. They try to eradicate themselves as the citizens of their previous land and try to make new identities by merging into the society. This is a great threat to all the cultures and civilizations. However, the people who refuse to amalgamate in a new costume always are the target of the degradation and humiliation and that is what makes their refusal and resistance more powerful. (Velazquez, 1997). If the heritage and the culture are lost then there is nothing left either for them or for their children to claim any hierarchy or property or values, ethics or traditions. 2.2 The ways that Los Vendidos reveals the problem: The one-act play Los Vendidos reveals the truth and the facts within our society. The racism though is everywhere yet is always denied. Valdez portrays the behavior of
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Prescription Drug Abuse Amongst Teenagers Health And Social Care Essay
Prescription Drug Abuse Amongst Teenagers Health And Social Care Essay INTRODUCTION This project is designed to illustrate the effects of prescription and over the counter drug abuse. It will not only show a comparison between the effects of illicit drugs and prescription drugs but it will also serve to show the significance of the prevalence and effects of prescription drug abuse. There is an erroneous belief that because these are medicines, whether prescribed by physicians or over-the-counter, that they are safer, stated by Nora D. Volkow, MD, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (Kheun, 2007). Teenagers and young adults have the concept that prescription or over the counter drugs are not harmful even if consumed in extreme doses. This is due to the fact that they are legal and are created and designed by pharmaceutical and medical professionals. This is quite contradictory because it has been noted by researchers (Ford Rivera 2008) that these drugs, when abused have very serious and even fatal consequences. Some of which include increased heart rate, hallucinations and other alterations in mental state. Though not highly publicized, these every day drugs such as Ritalin, OxyContin, Vicodin and Dexedrine can cause all of the aforementioned symptoms (Arkes Iguchi 2008). The effort of research in this area however, does not parallel the gravity of the problem and it has been noted by The International Narcotics Control Board that prescription drugs are about to become as much of a problem as illicit drugs (Zarcosta, 2008). Nevertheless, little or no research has been done in this field of prescription drug abuse and the seriousness of its effects as it relates to teens and young adults. With the research that this subject so rightfully deserves, all vulnerable persons (young persons, parents, teachers and health care providers) should become aware of the following: The types and examples of prescription drugs commonly abused. Ways in which these prescription drugs can be abused. Who is at a higher risk of prescription drug abuse? Signs and symptoms of prescription drug abuse. The consequential effects of abusing prescription drugs. Avenues in which one can seek help for this type of drug abuse. This projects intention therefore is to give enlightenment on all these areas, create awareness on the relevant and ubiquitous issue of prescription drug abuse and most importantly research the effects of prescription drug abuse. HYPOTHESIS Abuse of prescription drugs is as hazardous as the use of illicit drugs. RESEARCH DESIGN This research will take on both forms of qualitative and quantitative designs therefore it will be a mixed design. It will be qualitative in order to include statistics about the prevalence of prescription drug abuse. However it will quantitative in order to include reasons and effects of prescription drug abuse on young adults. LITERATURE REVIEW While rates of illicit drug abuse among teens in the Unites States continue to decline, abuse of prescription drugs in this age group is increasing at an alarmingly high rate. Recent anonymous survey results show that the one in every 10 high school seniors had used the painkiller Vicodin in the last year without a doctors orders (Arkes Iguchi,2008 as cited by Johnston, OMalley, Bachmen Schulenberg, 2004). Even though, there is research done on the prevalence, causes and risk factors associated with prescription drug abuse, there is a lack of information on the effects. The aim of this literature review is to provide sufficient information for researchers to conduct further research on the effects on the prescription drug abuse. This literature review will explain the following topic questions: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ How prevalent is prescription drug abuse? à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ What are the major causes/reasons of prescription drug abuse? à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Who is at a higher risk? How prevalent is prescription drug abuse? The abuse of prescription drugs in the USA is a growing problem. Prescription drug abuse is as prevalent as the abuse of illicit drugs. There has been a significant rise in the nonmedical use of prescription drugs in the US over the past 15 years. In 2004, an estimate of 2.4 million Americans aged 12 years or older initiated prescription opioid abuse within the past year, which exceeded those who were abusing illegal drugs like cocaine ( 1 million) or marijuana ( 2.1 million) ( McCabe, S.E., West, B.T., Morales, M., Cranford, J.A., Boyd, C.J., 2007). The debate as to whether prescription drug abuse is as prevalent as illegal drug abuse is interesting and. The commonly abused prescription drugs are painkillers, sedatives, tranquilizers, opioids and stimulants (Levy, M.S., 2007). In the United States, the abuse of prescription drugs especially opioids is a major health concern. In 2005 a study was carried out and it was found out that approximately 227,000 Americans were abusing and highly dependent on illicit drugs like heroine whereas 1.5 million Americans abused and were highly dependent on prescription opioids (Wu, Li-Tzy, Blazer, D.G., Stitzer, M.L., Patkar, A.A., Blaine, J.D., 2008) Additionally, in 2006, it was established that the nonmedical use of prescription drugs especially pain relievers actually surpassed that of illicit drugs. (Wisley et al)There has also been an alarming increase in the number of deaths associated with accidental overdoses of prescription drugs compared to those of illegal drugs. Statistics state that in 2002 it was established that the number of fatal heroine poisonings increased by 12.4% while shockingly the number of fatal opioid analgesic poisonings increased by 91.2% in the same population (Wunsch, M.J., Nakamoto, K., Be honick, G., William, M., 2009). This information further concretes the fact that there is a drastic increase in prescription drug abuse. Statistics in 2001 reveal that approximately 3 million youths aged 12 to 17 and almost 7 million young adults aged 18 to 25 years had misused prescription drugs in their life-time. (Kelly, B.C., Parsons, J.T., 2007). In conclusion, prescription drug abuse is on an alarming increase amongst the youth. With this increase, come various causes that will influence one to begin abusing prescription drugs. Definitions 1. Prevalence- Existing very commonly 2. Abuse- Use of a drug to get pleasure, or to improve a persons performance of an activity, or because a person cannot stop using it. 3. Dependence- To need something all the time especially in order to continue existing or operating. 4. Prescription drugs- Also known as over-the-counter drugs. What are the major causes/reasons of prescription drug abuse? With the way you are brought up and other environments, one develops values that in turn influence personal choices. Even though most illegal drugs are easy to access (Califano, 2002 as cited by Finley, 2007), an increasing number of youth prefer to use prescription drugs for non-medicinal purposes. In an article by Youth Trade, 2005 (cited by Finley, 2007) Students in high schools and colleges are having pharming parties, where they shift responsibility for bringing the prescription drugs. This in-turn makes them appear cool and up-to-date with the times as another teen had explained once her school mates found out that she had prescription drugs. Some opt to use prescription drugs out of boredom, often times along with illegal drugs, with others choosing to use Ritalin as a stimulant because it works like caffeine. Others actually believe that since prescriptions drugs are safe to use under prescription, then it must be safe for them without doctors orders. In the case study by Finley (2007) as stated by Birhanemaskel (2005) prescription drugs do not have the give-away smell as marijuana, yet give the same effects; more youth prefer prescription drugs to get high. This thought is generally upheld by girls making them less prone to use marijuana. Also young females prefer to use prescription drugs because of the expectation that they would help them slim down thus fitting in better with the other girls (Monarch Avalon, 2005 as cited by Finley, 2007). In a study (Lankenau et al., 2007), participants gave stories of how their first experiences of non-medicinal use of prescription drugs. One man mentioned that his first prescription drug was Ritalin which he used to help him stay up so he could be able to study. He would then use Xanax to help him get to sleep. This all helped keep balance of his school, athletics and social life. Another student mentioned that he began using prescription drugs to get the same feeling of a heroin high by taking 2 Xanax pills and alcohol simultaneously when he was curbing his heroin addiction. Also, some admitted to using Adderall as they were cheap; each pill was about $0.90. Finley (2007) also suggested that having parents that use prescription drugs to help them get up in the morning could also encourage teenagers to recreationally use prescription drugs. By parents allowing teenagers to take cough syrups, for instance, and not inquire about shows ignorance and leniency which leaves the teenager t o believe there is nothing wrong with misuse of prescription drug abuse (Gavin, 2004). Even with these significant causes, some youth are at more attracted to prescription drugs than others. Who is at a higher risk? Teens themselves being very vulnerable to prescription drug abuse have certain factors which could put them at an even higher risk. These include teens: 1. A history substance abuse. The quest for more pleasure, diminished anxiety, the relaxation of time, quickening of insight, deepening mythic awareness are the major reasons why teens repeatedly use substances like illicit drugs and alcohol and before they realize, they get addicted. It becomes nearly impossible for them to live without getting high or feeling highly ecstatic. The addiction rises to an extent that they start to engage in illegal activities to obtain these substances. However, now they have found a new legal way to do this. As stated, prescription drugs are much easier to obtain and less expensive than other substances. Teens with a history of substance abuse use this as an advantage and now they have an easier means to get high. The annual study by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, conducted by the University of Michigan, showed as many as one in every 14 high school seniors said they used cold medicine fairly recently to get high. A student, during a study that included an in-depth interview conducted by Lankenau, S.E. et.al said, [My mother] used to get a whole lot of [OxyContin] and she would just bring them home and Id see it all laid out. You take 20 milligrams and its like dope [heroin]. Its really like dope. 2. With Adverse childhood experiences. Adverse Childhood experiences are common and destructive. It includes abuse (physical, mental or sexual), neglect, domestic violence and other forms of serious and interrelated household dysfunction. They can determine the health and well-being of a person. The associated problems are painful to recognize and difficult to cope with. The study by Anda, R.A et.al shows a direct relationship between adverse childhood experiences and prescription drug abuse. Teens with adverse childhood experiences may have feelings of helplessness, chaos, and impermanence and may have problems self-regulating affective states. Thus, prescription drug abuse may serve as an avenue to escape or dissociate from the immediate emotional pain, anxiety, anger that likely accompany such experiences. 3. Homeless youth. A common stereotype of the homeless population is that they are all alcoholics or drug abusers. The truth is that a high percentage of homeless people do struggle with substance abuse but addictions should be viewed as illnesses and require a great deal of treatment, counseling and support to overcome. Substance abuse is both a cause and a result of homelessness, often arising after people lose their housing. (Substance abuse and homelessness, July 2009). People who are homeless often turn to drugs and alcohol to cope with their situations. They use substances in an attempt to attain temporary relief from their problems. With the increasing use/prevalence of prescription drug abuse over other substances, the homeless population is also starting to use more prescription drugs. Lankenau, S.E. et.al and Sander, B et.al proved a high percentage of prescription drug abuse among the homeless from their studies. In conclusion, there is a large number of youth abusing prescription drugs for various reasons. This number is rapidly increasing especially amongst the sample age with the major causes and risk factor highlighted above. The easy accessibility, inexpensiveness and the belief that prescription drugs are safe to use has resulted in the youth change their usual use of illicit drug to prescription drug as their means to get high, to fit in and in their struggle to balance their social and academic life . Even though, the youth themselves are a very prone population for prescription drug abuse, there are certain risk factors which make them more vulnerable. This includes a history of substance abuse, adverse childhood experiences and the homeless youth. Researchers around the world should consider the severity of this prevalence and its serious consequences. Further research needs to be conducted on the effects and ways to control and prevent prescription drug abuse. DATA GATHERING INSTRUMENT The following are the data gathering instruments that will be utilized in this project. Questionnaires: This will be a combined questionnaire which will contain a series of thirty (30) close ended and open ended questions. The questionnaire will be of a structured non disguised format in which the respondent will be informed of the purpose of collecting the information. The data will then be quantified. Interviews: These will consist of personal interviews which are discussions between an interviewer and an interviewee in order to obtain in-depth information about a particular issue or research question. The interviews will take the unstructured format. Focus Groups: This involves a group of participants who share their thoughts ideas and feelings on a specific topic. Hence the parents/guardians and the youth will be allowed this time to express themselves. Observations: This is a research method used to give an objective view on the verbal and nonverbal behaviors of the participants. Hence the interviewees will be observed by this method. DATA GATHERING PROCEDURE Surveying: The questionnaire will be distributed randomly to various educational institutions. The actual distribution of the questionnaires within the schools will be done by the school administration. They will have approximately one week to administer and collect all questionnaires which will then be collected by the relevant authorities. Interviews: Private interviews will be held with patients of selected Drug Addiction Rehab Centers at the center itself. Focus Groups: This will be held with the parents/guardians and health care providers of the patients. Observations: While they are interviewed the same patients will be observed by well reputed psychiatrists/psychologist through a one way mirror. Also the behaviors of the patients will be observed for approximately two weeks by the same psychiatrists/psychologists. APPROPRIATE SAMPLING TECHNIQUE In this project random sampling will be utilized. Six rehabilitation centers for substance abusers will be randomly selected. Sixteen individuals (eight males and eight females) within the age group of thirteen to eighteen (13-18) and sixteen individuals (eight males and eight females) within the age group of eighteen to twenty five (18-25) will be utilized. Eight schools will be randomly selected in which one hundred and sixty questionnaires will be distributed. Eighty will be distributed to students within the age group of 12-15 ( forty for females and forty for males). The remaining eighty will be distributed to students between the age group of 16-18(forty for females and forty for males). ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS With each research, there are several ethical considerations. The following is a list of the ethical concerns considered in this study: Before an individual becomes a participant, he/she will be fully informed of the aims, methods, harms, and benefits of the research: Each participant has the right to be fully informed about the research project in which he/she will be potentially participating, so that he/she has a full understanding of the project. If participants experiences any harm during the study, however, he/she will be compensated. The individual has the right of voluntary participation. Individuals will not be coerced to participate in the research project as participation will be strictly voluntary. This includes bribery offers, threatening or any kind of direct/ indirect pressures. He/she has the right to terminate his/her participation at any time. Participants will not be forced to continue with the project if he/she chooses to end his/her participation, neither will he/she be chastise for not continuing with the project. If the reason for terminating his/her is due to physical or psychological harm, participants will be compensated. The confidentiality of his/her responses. The information gathered will not be made available to any persons who are not directly involved in study. All the information will be kept in a vault in which only the primary investigator will know the combination. He/she remains anonymous throughout research: Participants will not be required to place their names on the questionnaires and if it is done, the questionnaire will be disregarded. The teenager will not be allowed to participate without his/her parents consent. Any youth who is under twenty one (21) will not be interviewed unless there is written consent from his/her parent. ANTICIPATED RESULTS The anticipated results of this research proposal are as follows: There will be a higher than expected prevalence of prescription drug abuse. It is just as easy to get addicted to prescription drugs as it is to get addicted to illicit drugs. The effects of prescription drug abuse can be as detrimental as the effects of illicit drug abuse. CONCLUSION The research project was aimed to discover the effects of prescription drug abuse and incorporated both qualitative and quantitative methods. The quantitative method consisted of questionnaires while the qualitative consisted of focus groups, interviews and observation methods. The sample would consist of students between the ages 13-18 and patients of rehabilitation centers ages 18-25. The delimitations of the project were the number of schools, the number of rehabilitation centers and the number of individuals from which information would be gathered. It would serve to bridge the gap of the insufficient research on the effects of prescription drug abuse and also as an informative tool to the society.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Compensation: Employment and Internal Alignment
1. Define compensation and discuss the variety of returns people received from their work? (8 marks) Compensation refers to all forms of financial return and tangible services and benefits employees receive as part of employment relationship. Other than that compensation means something that counterbalance, offsets, or makes up for something else. However in the different language the compensation itself have richness of meaning, which combines entitlement, returns and reward.Compensations are related with the employee and the employer performances, it means by employee performance of their works and the employer as the organization performance. Compensation need to be consider in all aspect especially in internal or external factor such as technology advancement, human capital, economic, government and others because it may affect the organizations itself. Other than that, the benefit of compensation toward the employees is it may increase the employee morale and it’s also a way to attract and retain employees.The variety of returns people receive from their work that are categorized as total compensation and relational returns. The total compensations are transactional and the relational returns are psychological. Total compensation can be divided into two. First is cash compensation that means by they include pay directly as cash such as base, merit/cost of living, short term incentives and long term incentives. That normally employer pays for the work performed based on their result in performance appraisal.Second is indirectly as benefits such as income protection, work/life balance, and allowance. That is non-monetary benefits for the employees, for example all female employees are entitled for maternity allowance, transportations allowance, EPF or SOCSO and others. The relational returns are involved learning opportunities, status, challenging work and so on. By means the compensation is intangible. For example for recognition and status, as human being normally people are loved to be respect by the others because that is a human nature.The increase of status means position of the employee may improve their morale and individual self-esteem. It also may influence other people to compete and improve their performance and gain the competitive advantages. 2. Pay system are designed to achieve certain objective, list and briefly describes the three compensation objective? (10 marks) i. Efficiency ? Performance ? Quality ? Customer and stockholder ? Cost ii. Fairness iii. Compliance iv. Ethics †¢ EfficiencyCan be stated more specifically first in improving performance, increasing quality, delighting customers and stakeholder and second is controlling labor cost. It also means by the pay of the employees are equivalent with the employee performance. When the employees are satisfied with their payment it will improve the quality of work indirectly will also increase the product quality. When the employees feels satisfied with their payment it will make the organization stable and it will help for the customer and stockholder loyalty (good image of organization).The organization also my control labor cost because they are able to attract and retain their employees. †¢ Fairness It is call as a fair treatment for all of the employees by recognizing both employees contributions for example higher pay for greater performance, experience, or training and employees needs for example fair wage as fair procedures. The procedural fairness is refer to the process used to make pay decisions. It suggested the way a pay decision is made be equally as importance to employees as the result of decisions.For example, the CEO position are received the higher pay in organization it is because the decision that been made may give a big impact towards the organization rather than the decision that had been made by the operator that may give a little impact only in department. †¢ Compliance As a pay objective means c onforming to federal and state compensation law and regulations. If laws change, pay system may need to change, too to ensure continued compliance. As compliance go global, they must comply with the laws of all the countries in which they operates.It means by, even they are same position but in different country, the employees cannot have the same pay. It is because every country has own currency. So, it is not suitable to use the same compensation system in different country, it also may cause dissatisfaction among employees. 3. Discuss four perspective of compensation? (12marks) i. Society Some people see pay as measure of justice. For example the comparison of earning between men and women highlights what many consider inequities in pay decisions. Benefits given as part of total compensation package may also be seen as a reflection of equity or justice in society.The society also may see that involved job losses or job gain in a country over time. It means by the compensation may increase the employee morale (job gain) or decrease employee morale (job losses) because of dissatisfaction. Some consumers know that pay increase often lead to price increases. It’s because the employer need to pay the employees by using their profits. ii. Stockholders They are also interested in how employees are paid. Some believe that using stock to pay employees creates sense of ownership that will improve performance, which will, in turn, increase stockholder wealth.It is because, the employee will feel more responsible as they feels that the organization as their own. iii. Managers For manager, compensation influences their success in two ways. First it is major expense. Competitive pressures, both global and local, force manager to consider the affordability of their compensation decision. Other than that, managers also used it to influences employees behavior and improve the organization performance because they have an authority to evaluate the employees’ pe rformance that relate to the compensations and benefits. v. Employees The pay individuals receive in return for the work they perform is usually the major source of their financial security. Employees may see compensation as a return in an exchange between their employer and themselves, as an entitlement for being an employee of the company, or as a reward for a job well done. The employees see pay as the important things in their live because it determines the standard of living and the money that they need to plan for their future. 4. Elaborates four steps in developing a compensation strategy? 12 marks) i. Assets Total Compensation Implications Think about any organizations past, present, and its future. What factors in its business environment have contributed the company’s success? Which factor that become more or less likely important as company looks ahead? The company classifies the factors as business strategy and competitive dynamic, HR strategy, culture/values, soc ial and political context, employee/union needs and others HR system. Which is the employer itself must have clear understanding about their business. i. Map a Total Compensation Strategy Mapping is often used in marketing to clarify and communicate a products identity. A strategic map offers a picture of company compensation strategy. It can also clarify the message that the company is trying to deliver with its compensation system. The comparison with competitors using the diagram based on element on pay model such as, objective, internal alignment, external competitiveness, employee contributions and management. iii. Implement strategyInvolve implementing strategy through the design and execution of compensation system. Where implement the system that had been created. iv. Reassess Reassess and realign, closes the loop and recognize that the strategy must be changing to fit the changing conditions. Thus the periodic reassess is needs to continuously learn, adapt, and improve. The result from using the system need to be assessed against objectives we are trying to achieve. 5. Define an internal alignment and briefly discuss any four factors which shape internal alignment? (10 marks)Internal alignment can be define as internal equity, refers to the pay relationships among different jobs/ skills/ competencies within a single organization. It also means by how to structure the position in organizations. For example, if a person holding degree, he will be measure under competencies, which is he has a good qualification than others. Factors which shape internal alignment :- i. Government policies, laws and regulations. The equal employment legislations forbids pay system that discriminate on the basis of gender, race, religion or national origin.The equal pay for equal work with considers under equal if it is equal skills, equal effort and equal responsibility and is performed under equal working conditions. ii. Organization strategy It may influence the internal alignment. The belief is that pay structure that are not aligned with organization strategy may become obstacles to the organization success. iii. Organization Human Capital Human capitals are based on education, experience, knowledge, abilities and skills require performing the work. It is a major influence in internal alignment.The greater the values added by the skills and experience the more pay those skills will command. iv. Overall HR policies The organization other human resource policies also may influence internal pay structures. Most organizations tie money to promotions to induce the employees to apply for higher-level position. If organization has more levels, it can offer more promotions, but there may be smaller pay differences between levels. The belief is that more frequent promotions (even without significant pay increase) offer sense of career progress to employees. [pic]
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Ethics of the Textile Industry - 1463 Words
The textile industry faces many ethical issues; unfortunately the outworking industry is a growing problem in the fashion world which often goes unheard of. While outworkers are facing poverty, Australian teenage fashion consumers are oblivious to this extreme ethical issue. Young people should be addressing the outworking industry in Australia in an attempt to improve the current and future economical and ethical situations. This essay will investigate the working conditions of outworkers, the amount of knowledge young Australians have about outworkers, the effect of the outworking industry on the wider community and will provide recommendations on how young Australian consumers can improve the situation in the outworking industry.†¦show more content†¦Young people should be addressing the outworking industry in Australia in an attempt to improve the current and future economical and ethical situations. If teenagers use the recommendations to improve the outworking industry their future will look a lot brighter and their families and themselves can buy clothing and know that people are being treated with respect and equality. Bibliography 1. Code stitched up for outworkers. Australian [Sydney, Australia] 10 Oct. 2002: 5. Global Issues In Context. Web. 14 Feb. 2012 2. Ethical clothing australia. 2011. Accredited Brands. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.ethicalclothingaustralia.org.au/consumer/accredited-brands-full. [Accessed 04 March 12]. 3. Evans, R. (2002). Outworkers take corporate Australia to court. Available: http://www.greenleft.org.au/node/26560. Last accessed 23 4. IPA. 2002. Outworkers Speak Out. [ONLINE] Available at: http://ipa.org.au/library/publication/1213662691_document_200842304049_outworkers_20speak_20out.pdf. [Accessed 23 February 12]. 5. Lormand, E. FACTs and FAQs about Nikes labor abuses. Available: http://www-personal.umich.edu/~lormand/poli/nike/nikelabor.htm. Last accessed 23 Feb 2012. 6. Reap well what you can sew. Australian [Sydney, Australia] 3 Dec. 2001: 13. Global Issues In Context. Web. 14 Feb. 2012. 7. School by day, sewing by night for 30c a job - THE EMPLOYEES. Australia nShow MoreRelatedBusiness Ethics : Bangladesh Textile Industry Disaster2546 Words  | 11 PagesRESEARCH PAPER ON BUSINESS ETHICS BANGLADESH TEXTILE INDUSTRY DISASTER Business Ethics: Business ethics also commonly known as corporate ethics is group of ethical values that are to be applied in business. It applies to all aspects of business conduct and is relevant to the conduct of individuals and entire organizations. There are certain codes of ethics that must be followed by construction industrialists and the list follows as - †¢ Client Service. The clients should be served with honestyRead MorePacific Brands Case Study1393 Words  | 6 PagesCase Study Contents Introduction 1. 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