Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Journal Article Review Essay
The general topic of forgiveness has received a magnitude of attention and research on a conceptual level in recent years. Hall and Fincham consistently noted, however, that self-forgiveness had little to no empirical study or research documented and believe this is a critical piece to an individual’s overall emotional health. In an effort to stimulate additional research on the subject, they wrote the aforesaid journal article. The article describes self-forgiveness by definition in both a spiritual and a psychological context. Much insight is given to the similarities and differences between self-forgiveness, or intrapersonal forgiveness, and interpersonal forgiveness. Many conceptual distinctions are addressed and appropriately confirm the need for further research on self-forgiveness as it relates to the inflated interest in the importance and nature of forgiveness in general. In addition, much discussion covers the relation of self-forgiveness to interpersonal forgiveness in regards to the importance, or even necessity, of one to the other. A theoretical model of self-forgiveness is outlined and described in relation to forgiveness of interpersonal transgressions. Self-inflicted pain takes on a particular importance as a catalyst to the healing process in both self-forgiveness and interpersonal forgiveness. Finally, different types of determinants are described and analyzed in relation to the theoretical model and its limitations. Journal Article Review 3 Interaction Self-forgiveness is an intriguing topic, from my own personal perspective, and one that immediately caught my attention when scanning the journal articles offered. I agree with Hall and Fincham that further research on the subject would be extremely beneficial and embraced. Of particular interest to me was the complicated nature of categorizing and defining self-forgiveness. What seemed to be a simple concept is, in fact, layered with multiple levels of complex considerations that must be addressed in order to properly define and diagram self-forgiveness. In general, self-forgiveness is identified by a common ability to exhibit self-respect in spite of the acceptance of wrong-doing (Hall, J., Fincham, D., 2005). I never considered the distinction between interpersonal forgiveness and intrapersonal forgiveness. While they share many similarities, there is even greater evidence of the differences between the two. One significant difference involves the consequences of withholding forgiveness from self. It is likely that intrapersonal unforgiveness can be much more detrimental than interpersonal. Hall & Fincham state â€Å" Self-forgiveness often entails a resolution to change†(2005). It is this process of acceptance of one’s own imperfections and sinful nature that catapults a desire for self-improvement and growth. This is a critical component of healing the soul and beginning the journey to spiritual and mental health. Also enlightening was the declaration that one can experience pseudo self forgiveness by failing to acknowledge any wrong doing and convincing him/herself that they are without fault. Finally, I was struck by the notion that self-forgiveness will typically vary and should be approached as such. Journal Article Review 4 Application The idea that â€Å"self-forgiveness has be overshadowed by research on interpersonal forgiveness prompts further contemplation into the root causes of many emotional determinants such as depression, shame, and guilt. If a counseling situation arose and my client presented any of the above emotions, I would encourage conversation that delves deeper into the core source of these emotions. It is highly likely that unforgiveness is present. The Bible warns us about the repercussions of unforgiveness and I believe this pertains to self-unforgiveness as well as interpersonal. Bitterness is usually a result of unforgiveness and ultimately, recognizing your worth through the eyes of God is freeing and can soften a hardened heart. If we are to look at healing of the whole person, which should be our ultimate goal as counselors, a huge part of that will be making peace with our past mistakes and choices. We all have regrets and, to an extent, we probably all carry around a certain amount of self-unforgiveness. Hall and Fincham state â€Å"self-forgiveness can be used as the vehicle through which self-reconciliation occurs†(2005). I would apply this to most any counseling situation. Discovery of the source of our pain, shame, and guilt can be the beginning of the journey of the healing process. Because we are incapable of escaping ourselves, and our own thoughts, at some point, self-unforgiveness is going to surface. A good counselor is going to be aware of this and recognize it from the beginning. It could easily lay the groundwork for the working stage of the counseling process and give the counselor direction in how to proceed. Healing the soul is not always easy work, but it helps when you know the s ource of the brokenness. References Hall, J. & Fincham, F. (2005). Self Forgiveness: The step-child of forgiveness. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, volume number 24, 621-637.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Global Industrial Silica Sand Market 2012 – 2016 – Industry Monitor.Co
IndustryMonitor. Co announces addition of new report â€Å"Global Industrial Silica Sand Market 2012 – 2016†in it’s database. To book your copy of this report @ http://www. industrymonitor. co/report/166461-global TechNavio's analysts forecast the Global Industrial Silica Sand market to grow at a CAGR of 4. 50 percent over the period 2012-2016. One of the key factors contributing to this market growth is the increased adoption of industrial silica sand for hydraulic fracturing. The Global Industrial Silica Sand market has also been witnessing the increasing focus toward R activities.However, increasing use of recycled silica sand could pose a challenge to the growth of this market. TechNavio's report, Global Industrial Silica Sand Market 2012-2016, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis of the market with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the Americas, and the EMEA and APAC regions; it also covers Global Industrial Silica Sand marke t landscape and its growth prospects in the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.Key vendors dominating this market space include namely Quarzwerke GmbH, U. S. Silica Holdings Inc. , Fairmount Minerals Ltd. , and Sibelco Group For Request The Sample of this Report Visit: http://www. industrymonitor. co/sample/sample/166461 Other vendors mentioned in the report: Preferred Sands LLC, Xinyi Golden Ruite Quartz Materials Co. Ltd. , Xuzhou Shihang Silica Sand Co. Ltd. , Zhuzhou Kibing Group Co. Ltd. , J. R. Simplot Co. , Pattison Sand Co. LLC, and CEMEX SAB de CV. Key questions answered in this report: What will the market size be in 2016 and at what will be the growth rate?What are key market trends? What is driving this market? What are the challenges to market growth? Who are the key vendors in this market space? What are the market opportunities and threats faced by key vendors? What are the strengths and weaknesses of each o f these key vendors? Latest Report: Global Advance Process Control Software Market 2012 – 2016 : http://www. industrymonitor. co/report/166460-global TechNavio's analysts forecast the Global Advance Process Control Software market to grow at a CAGR of 10. 67 percent over the period 2012-2016.One of the key factors contributing to this market growth is the migration from legacy system to Advance Process Control software. The Global Advance Process Control Software market has also been witnessing the development of customized APC software. However, lack of awareness about APC software could pose a challenge to the growth of this market. TechNavio's report, Global Advance Process Control Software Market 2012-2016, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis of the market with inputs from industry experts.The report covers the Americas, and the EMEA and APAC regions; it also covers Global Advance Process Control Software market landscape and its growth prospects in the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market. Contact Us: Hemendra Pratap State Tower 90 State Street, Suite 700 Albany, NY 12207 United States Tel: +1-518-618-1030 [email protected] co Website: http://www. industrymonitor. co/ Blog: http://industrymonitorblog. blogspot. com/
Monday, July 29, 2019
Case Analysis - Schindler India
Case Analysis Schindler India Essay MGT 554: International Business and Law Silvio Napoli at Schindler India (A) – A Case Analysis ____________________________________________________________ __________________ CASE ANALYSIS – SCHINDLER INDIA Schindler Holding Ltd, a respected Swiss elevator company, was established in 1874 by Robert Schindler and the first Schindler elevator was installed in India in 1925. After technical and sales collaborations with Indian companies, ECE and Bharat Bijlee Ltd. (BBL) in 1958 and 1985, Schindler Ltd decided to setup a wholly owned company in India in 1998. The Indian economy had been liberalized in 1991 and the economy was growing at a rapid clip with many commercial buildings, hotels etc, being setup. Sensing the growing opportunity, Alfred Schindler, Chairman and 4th generation founder family member, decided to invest in India. But he also knew that Indian elevator market was very demanding requiring customization even at the lowest elevator product range and very price sensitive. The market was also competitive and he was also aware that almost 50% of the market was captured by their worldwide competitors, Otis, and the remaining 24% by other well known brands like Finland based Kone etc. It was clear to him that entering this competitive yet potentially lucrative and profitable market would require services of a person with qualities of having a long term vision, foresight, be able to take high risks, be decisive, require thorough understanding of the local elevator market and to be able to adapt to the ever-changing local market conditions. Mr. Silvio Napoli seemed to have the right qualities for the job. Graduating with MBA from Harvard Business School, Silvio was appointed as head of corporate planning and was involved in strategic review processes, benchmarking and competitor analysis etc. hereby gaining good understanding of the global elevator market. He also gained good MGT 554: International Business and Law Silvio Napoli at Schindler India (A) – A Case Analysis ____________________________________________________________ __________________ experience managing a project that developed a standardized, low cost elevator for the highly saturated western e levator markets of France, Spain etc. , an experience that could also be leveraged for the Indian market. Silvio was also assigned with the task of evaluating the Indian elevator market for potential joint ventures, understand prevailing legal systems, estimate market size etc. and with this knowledge Silvio presented a India specific business plan to the corporate headquarters, which was quickly approved. So, Silvio should have been the right person for the job, but after reviewing his progress after 7 months, it became clear that he lacked essential qualities of having a long term vision, foresight, inflexibility and patience. Yes it is true that Silvio did a research about India and could get all the necessary information to start the wholly owned subsidiary of Schindler in India, but he lacked in understanding the cultural preferences and local preference to customizations. Silvio was strong headed and single minded, impatient and short tempered and also over communicative. He was not open to ideas communicated by his senior management, including managing director, Mehar Karan Singh, who emphasized on the need to have patience in the Indian market and develop relationships with customers. All these qualities of Silvio are not exactly appropriate in the Indian elevator market and could also lead to ineffective management control and dissatisfied subordinates. Given that Schindler was expecting large growth in a short period of time (sell 50 units in first year and have 20% of the market share within 5 years), it is clear Silvio also lacked execution capabilities. In the 7 months since Schindler established a dedicated presence in India, not a single elevator was installed in the country. Future prospects also looked bleak with no new concrete orders and escalated cost of elevators. READ: Essay on Junk Food By Judith Warner EssayMr. Luc Bonnard, Vice Chairman of the MGT 554: International Business and Law Silvio Napoli at Schindler India (A) – A Case Analysis ____________________________________________________________ __________________ company, naturally was not pleased with Silvio’s performance. From Luc Bonnard’s perspective, Silvio had managed to setup the entity in India in a very cost effective manner, without incurring major investments. The company had no dedicated elevator manufacturing facilities, no elaborate logistics or distribution investments and infact office space and furniture were also rented. Silvio had also hired some of the best local talent in key managerial and technical positions in the country. But these measures per se will not lead to profitability and it is recommended that for Silvio to succeed, he would have to first increase product offering in the country, showcase latest technology though it may be expensive in the price conscious market, start setting up a manufacturing facility and not overly depend on outsourcing every aspect right from assembly, be updated with the latest pricing from corporate headquarters and establish tighter communication and rapport between the local and corporate facilities of the company. Silvio formed new management team, which seemed to have a better grasp of the local elevator market conditions, was not comfortable with Silvio’s rigidity in concentrating on standardized elevators without much customization and seriously doubted if the company could be successful with only one low end, standardized elevator, S001. So, when there was a sales opportunity for some elevators, even though they required customization, the management team grabbed this opportunity without Silvio’s knowledge. But Silvio seemed to disagree or unhappy with this order since it went against his policy of minimizing elevator customizations and using only standardarized product offerings. There was no adaptability in Silvio’s business plan and he rigidly believed in global standardization strategy to focus on increasing profitability and profit MGT 554: International Business and Law Silvio Napoli at Schindler India (A) – A Case Analysis ____________________________________________________________ __________________ growth. Napoli’s plan called for Schindler India to sell 50 units in first year and to win 20% market share. The company has a strong pressure to reduce cost and limited pressure to adapt to the Indian market. It is recommended that for Silvio to succeed in the Indian market, he must immediately alter his plan and introduce elevator customizations. In the short term, his technical staff must be sent to the corporate headquarters for training on existing standardized elevator design, understand the technical specifications and explore possible customization options in the current range of elevators. In case if the existing team was still felt to be too inexperienced to handle this new range of elevators, then Silvio must also have options to bring in technically qualified personnel from the headquarters. For a long term strategy, it is recommended there are flexible technology transfer agreement between the Indian subsidiary and the corporate headquarters for multiple elevator product ranges that allows high degree of elevator customization. It is also highly recommended to set up a Greenfield manufacturing facility in the country to leverage on the cost and labor arbitrage, instead of extensively outsourcing and depending on external vendors for elevator assembly and spare parts. In addition to the problems faced in executing elevator orders due to elevator customization issues, Silvio also erred in formulating appropriate pricing strategy for India. His business plan did not consider important financial related factors like effect of Government policies on elevator industry, fluctuations in the currency exchange rate, effect of changes in the new transfer policy introduced by the corporate headquarters etc. As it is known, transfer pricing is determined various factors but primarily on profit earned by the subsidiary and also takes into account difference in the currency exchange READ: Changing Use Of Language EssayMGT 554: International Business and Law Silvio Napoli at Schindler India (A) – A Case Analysis By Satish Krishnamoorthy, Ramya Narayanaswamy, Karthik Chittatoor, Kamalendra Velendra ____________________________________________________________ __________________ rates. To handle the current pricing crisis, in the short term, it is recommended for Silvio to immediately negotiate with the corporate headquarters to revert back on the old transfer pricing method hat he had used to calculate pricing. For the long term, Silvio should enter into a mutual agreement with corporate headquarters that there will be no changes in transfer pricing methodology and changes in prices of essential imported elevator spare parts, without adequate prior intimation. Alternately, Silvio can also mutually agree on the transfer prices of some of the models transfer prices in his yearly budget and thereby shielding from sudden changes in the pricing.
Concept of Managerial Escalator Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
Concept of Managerial Escalator - Coursework Example In addition to the skills, the inner personality of the individual seeking or playing the role of the manager also plays a vital contributory role in determining his success as a manager. It is commonly misunderstood among the business studies and circles that management is the responsibility of few people who are at the leading positions in the organization. The reality is the management functions are spread through all the levels of the organization and every other individual is involved in one or other type of management activity. As the organization has several functions and the individuals serving in various departments have specialized skills in the function they are performing, it is quite logical that the managers of that very area also have the specialized skills. It happens that the people with increased expertise in their specialized skills are supposed to perform better than the one who has comparatively less experience. With the passage of time, they assume or are assigned the supervisory role, helping and guiding the other junior members about how the activity is to be planned and carried out. They also benefit others with the skills and tips they have self-learned in that field with the virtue of their experience. Gradually they achieve higher positions and formal supervisory roles. A stage comes where they design the standard operating procedures of the function in which they are expert and the organization tends to consider them an authority in that function. This gradual progression towards the managerial positions in the organization by acquiring enhanced expertise in their specialized field is called managerial escalator (Rees & Porter, 2008). As per the authors, the managerial escalation is directly related to the level of specialized skills in one’s field.Â
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Debate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Debate - Essay Example In most cases, restitution can happen by restoring liberty, social status, employment, family life, and legal rights of the people (van Boven). Aside from offering rehabilitation programs, there are also cases wherein reparation can happen by extending monetary compesation to the affected people (van Boven; Goldberg). In the United States, a lot of Black farmers have suffered from the psychological, social, and economic consequences of racial discrimination. Today, the administration of Obama is using monetary compensation as a means of settlement for mistreatment that most of the American Indians and Black farmers living in Arizona, the New Mexico, and Montana who have encountered under the administration of the previous U.S. presidents (Baker). Personally, I am against the Native Americans’ reparations. First of all, the U.S. economy is still in the midst of economic uncertainty. By extending $4.5 billion in reparations to the American Indians and Black farmers, the U.S. government may have inadequate fund to boost the entire U.S. economy. As of October 2012, the unemployment rate in the U.S. is 7.9% (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics). In the absence of sufficient monetary stimulus, the unemployement rate in the U.S. will remain high. van Boven, Theo. â€Å"Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy and Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of International Human Rights Law and Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law, adopted and proclaimed by General Assembly resolution†. United Nations. 2008. Web. 16 November 2012
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Value and Risk Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Value and Risk Management - Essay Example This maximizes the potential use of the project. Value management focuses on the functions to provide maximum benefit. It aims for simplification without disregarding quality. Value engineering is synonymous with value management but the former focuses on the technical aspect. These two however could be interchanged. Value management (VM) is now a regular feature in the construction industry. A VM Team conducts a meticulous process of inspection and monitoring, brainstorming and analyzing the functions with respect to the entirety of the project. After that, it will provide the necessary recommendations to the client. The first part of the study focuses on value management which includes the four stages of the workshop. There are recommendations on the budget constraints of SBE Innovations, so that the amount could be maximised while reducing unnecessary costs. The VM study determines how construction can be simplified as quality remains. Functional analysis in value engineering aims to reduce the cost. Value engineering will be conducted to perform the following activities: Value engineering will focus on the engineering and technical aspects. Value management is more on the management and administrative side of the study, but both will be conducted simultaneously to attain greater results. In most cases, VM and VE are considered synonymous. Our consultancy firm has been in the forefront of value management in construction. We have conducted VM and VE for various clients, while our aim is to increase the value of any project. This new project with SBE Innovation is another major milestone and a challenge. Each and every part of the project is important, therefore, this should be given value by conducting a thorough analysis to determine whether a part is an important element of the whole. If it is not too important, the team will
Friday, July 26, 2019
Writing Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Writing Assignment - Essay Example ever, I would not deny that some of the insults were actually humorous especially as most of them are heavy on personification such as comparing one to a shard-borne pignut, brazen-faced scullian, swag-bellied boar-pig and etc. The use of these words propels one to draw a picture at the back of one’s mind, comparing it to describe the unpleasantness of a person. Also, exaggeration is an element that adds to its humor. Familiarity with the meaning of the words used is also very important to realize the message Shakespeare wanted to convey especially because most words used are too deep. However, as I have tried finding out the meaning of these words, they have the same meanings today as in the last 400+ years ago, where the only difference is that some words today just have more implications or meanings today. Being unfamiliar about the meanings hinder one to fully grasp the intended effect because they would not be able to use their imagination to digest the whole thought of
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Principles of Economics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Principles of Economics - Research Paper Example sgruntling customers, suppose that the company may introduce a different type of programming that is cheaper for the company to provide yet is equally appealing to customers. Explain what would be the effects of this action. The law of demand states that, ceteris paribas, the higher the price of a commodity, the less the demand will be. On the other hand, the law of supply states that, all factors being constant, sellers are more willing to supply goods at a higher price than at a lower price. This theoretical point at which sellers are willing to supply goods and buyers are getting all the commodities they are demanding is referred to as the equilibrium. The equilibrium is depicted in the figure below: Figure 1: Market equilibrium chart (â€Å"Economics Basics: Demand and Supply,†2011) If the government make a price ceiling law on cable TV that sets the price below the current equilibrium price two things will happen immediately: (1) cable TV sellers will find the business less attractive because of increased possibility of lower revenues and thus they will lower their supply. (2) Consumers will find the lower prices attractive and thus they will increase their consumption and demand for cable TV. After some duration, the huge consumer demand and low supply will cause consumers to compete for the few cable TVs available. This is depicted below: Figure 2: Effect of price ceiling (Taylor, 2006) In a free market economy, the consumer competition for cable TVs will push the prices up, which will make sellers want to supply more and hence bring the price closer to its equilibrium. However, in this case, the price ceiling prevents suppliers from increasing the supply because of the low marginal benefits compared to marginal cost of supplying cable TVs. This eventually... The rationale for releasing the new guidelines to be used by the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission for evaluating proposed mergers is to provide more clarity and transparency to businesses seeking to engage in mergers and acquisitions. This way business can tell beforehand whether they will be successful with their application or not. Additionally, the new Guidelines take into account changes that have taken place in the legal and economic arenas since the last revision in 1992. From the guidelines one thing that stands out is the Department of Justice’s and the Federal Trade Commission’s focus on protecting competition and innovation within the American business sector. Mergers and acquisitions that may substantially lower competition, or to tend to create a monopoly will be rejected. So too will those M&As that are viewed as done to kill innovation. Some of the major implications of these guidelines are that: (1) it will enable companies save on r esources that they may have wasted on a merger or acquisition that ends up being disapproved; and (2) it provides the legal fraternity with more clear guidelines for those who would like to seek legal redress
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
King Saud University Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
King Saud University - Essay Example They offer a complete free tuition in addition of providing scholarships to both the International and Saudi Arabia students. The university is situated in vast state of modern art campus in addition of being equipped with the modern technological instructions. For Internal audit to remain important to the King Saud University management then it must always adapt to the ever changing expectations of the seven universities in addition of maintaining alignment with the objectives of the university. There should be a systematic and a structured process for developing the internal audit strategic plan for the university; the strategic plan will include the following in addition to the mission and vision of the university; For the three years strategic plan, the initial step should be â€Å"Planning to plan†it should represent the necessary work before the beginning of primary planning process. The university internal management should agree on the efforts of overall strategic planning and the significant planning steps that will be undertaken. The university organization should also consider, evaluate and review the legislative/constitutional mandate since this will determine their future as well as daily academic business. The mission and vision of the university should also be its considerations before coming up with strategic planning. For the three years strategic planning, the university should identify its purpose and mandate of existence to avoid unnecessary conflict that might arise, which can also help in channeling a productive discussion and activity. The vision statement will make the university identify how it will appear in the future after successfully implemented its strategies as well as achieving its full potentiality. The three year strategic plan should also include a developed internal audit’s strategic vision. It should identify the responsibilities functional roles, mandates, stakeholders’ needs and
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Whistle Blowing as a Form of Advocacy Guidelines for the Practitioner Assignment
Whistle Blowing as a Form of Advocacy Guidelines for the Practitioner and Organization - Assignment Example et forth implied that they must not hire individuals who clutch first to the complaint that the society must be endangered at all cost, equal to the disadvantage of those who are paid. Nor must their choice be ruled by the individual raw sentiments, which may develop erratic and illogical in extremely contentious and morally stimulating situations (Greene and Latting 2004). Choices ought to be centered on their personal moral standards and the puzzle of morals that rules their professional behaviour. Particularly, they it must be guaranteed that gusting the whistle can be reinforced by a bench of aristocracies, is passed out in virtuous belief and with the finest attention of all gatherings at core, is unconditionally essential on ethical and moral estates, and is not always inspired by nasty intent (Greene and Latting 2004). Structural bests are faced with agonizing sets. Passing the endorsements given here can be luxurious. In this reduction age of deteriorating capitals, some activities may be pushed to discover the time or friends to improve new rules to train operate on possible instances of administrative wrong deed or principled defilements, and to be flippant of such anxieties, their hopefulness is that this editorial inspires organizational bests to be diligent and original in their whistle blowing as a form of advocacy guidelines for the practitioner and organization labors to evade the jeopardy of civic (or customer) impairment, public discomfiture, and loss or honesty in the senses of their consumers, workforces, initiators, and other chief investors (Greene and Latting
Politics of Health in America Essay Example for Free
Politics of Health in America Essay The healthcare system in America is one of the hot button issues in this and every election because things are only getting worse, while not coming close to getting better. Rising healthcare costs are bringing brought on by huge hospitals that can charge as much as they want for service. Compounding the problem is the fact that many Americans cannot afford healthcare insurance in order to foot the bill for their expensive care. As the Michael Moore film, Sicko, indicates, the healthcare crisis in America is far reaching and there does not seem to be a solution on the horizon. With more and more people missing out on insurance because of basic primal greed from hospitals and insurance companies, there exists a huge problem that is sure to hinder the development of American society. Facing the biggest problems in light of this healthcare crisis are women, who need a more advanced form of care than their male counterparts. Without access to healthcare insurance, millions of women are not able to acquire the medical care that is essential to their overall health.            The American healthcare system is one that is designed to rely primarily on health insurance. Without health insurance, a majority of both basic and advanced medical procedures would not be possible for any people. The primary problem with the system is that now, health insurance companies are not doing their job anymore. Instead of being an affordable option for common people who seek to protect themselves against medical emergency, these companies are now in the business of gouging patients and withholding insurance to those that are less fortunate. The American model is not the prevailing system that is used elsewhere in the world. In places like Canada and in most of Europe, nationalized healthcare is the order of the day. Those governments do not mess around with insurance companies and they make sure that healthcare is readily available to anyone that needs it. This is an expensive, but effective way to make sure that each person is cared for. Women are specifically targeted for care under European models. In England, the national healthcare system has seen some problems, but for the most part, the nationalized nature of the system makes sure that just about anyone that needs treatment can get that treatment.            The issue at the heart of the healthcare debate is over the uninsured folks that have a hard time securing healthcare. In the United States, that number is steadily growing with each passing year. This is something that Michael Moore is quick to point out in his film and it is an essential part of the argument for a national healthcare system. According to a July article from the Associated Press, â€Å"Just this past week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated there are about 43.6 million uninsured people in the country†(AP). Though that number does not represent a majority of the population, it is a significant portion of a civilized country that would have absolutely no way of getting healthcare in case of a medical emergency. Should cancer strike any of that contingent of Americans, they would have no way of coming up with the thousands of dollars for treatment.            Another important healthcare consideration that is taken into account in Michael Moore’s film is the disparity between the rich and the poor. This is what is really at the heart of the matter. Those with money can afford to purchase the insurance that will protect them, while those without money cannot afford insurance. Making it even worse is the fact that the jobs that give the benefit of included healthcare insurance are the jobs that actually pay people enough to afford insurance. Presidential candidate Barack Obama has taken a stance on the issue and he has clearly defined the need for more healthcare for the poor in the United States. A January Washington Post article sheds light on Obama’s opinion on the matter. In that article, Nedra Pickler writes, â€Å"He (Obama) said its wrong that 46 million in this country are uninsured when the country spends more than any one else on health care. He said Americans pay $15 billion in taxes to help care for the uninsured†(Pickler). Obama has put a specific focus on the medical plight of poor women, who are often the biggest victims in the entire ordeal. Without a national healthcare system, the rising cost of women’s care in America makes it impossible for a large chunk of the country’s ladies to keep up.            For those that do not have a huge amount of understanding on women’s care and how involved it is, the situation is a difficult one to understand. While men can get away with not going to the doctor for a period of months or years, women have to have check-ups in order to stay healthy enough to have children. This must be a huge focus for American society, especially as fertility rates keep falling for women in the country. Doctors are becoming much more specialized in this day and age, so their services are costing more. Gynecologists are no different, so insurance companies are being asked to pay more for that service. Even more important than the standard checkup is the entire situation of pregnancy. Women need to see a doctor every two to three weeks during pregnancy to make sure that everything is alright in their body and for their baby. This need comes in addition to the standard medical procedures that women must undertake to make sure that they stay in good condition.            Women are among the most neglected when it comes to insurance in the United States. This correlation between gender and income is an important statistic to consider when forming opinions about the plight of the national healthcare system. Though the current system was certainly not written in a way that it would intentionally preclude women, the reality of the situation has almost made it look that way. Median income levels are lower for women in American than they are for men. It is much more difficult for women, be they white, black, Hispanic or any other race, to get a high paying job or one that offers full healthcare benefits. Though insurance companies might be precluding women from involvement, pregnancy has not been nearly as kind. There is no discrimination when it comes to that, as a poor woman is just as likely to get pregnant as a rich woman. Still, adequate care must be provided through the process of pregnancy and such care cannot be provided without the proper healthcare protection. The Christiane Northup book, Women’s Body, Women’s Wisdom, breaks down pregnancy in the following terms. â€Å"Pregnancy is a miraculous process and should be a time when a woman makes every effort to tune in to her body and baby with the support of her surroundings. For centuries, midwives helped mothers through the pregnancy and birthing processes, standing by them with medical and emotional aid†(Northup). This quotation clearly shows the need for assistance in a number of different areas for women during pregnancy. It is something that cannot be ignored for many women, as they seek to have the best pregnancy possible.            Another thing to consider in all of this is the plight of single mothers in America. Recent sociological trends are indicating that more and more women are having children out of wedlock. Without a man present to help foot the bill for pregnancy costs, women without healthcare have an even more difficult time coming up with the money to pay for their own care. This is a trend that does not seem to be going anywhere anytime soon, so it is imperative that the overriding problems get fixed before things get worse. Moore attacks this in Sicko, as he feels that single mothers are some of the biggest victims of the current healthcare system.            According to Moore, single mothers are not the only victims in this situation. Though the politically correct notion is not to speak about race in regards to healthcare, the reality of the situation is that minority women are being left out at an alarming rate. An Amanda Gardner report in HealthDay speaks to the overall lackluster support that women have from the current healthcare system. Gardner writes, â€Å"No state met the goal for access to health insurance. Nationwide, 18 percent of women aged 18 to 64 were uninsured. In 2007, five states decreased Medicaid eligibility levels for working parents, making it more difficult for low-income people to get insurance†(Gardner). This trend has had a profound impact on minority mothers, who statistics show are working hard to provide for their children and also take care of themselves medically.            In his movie Sicko, Michael Moore does not shy away from the topic of women and how they are affected by the current healthcare system. In fact, Moore makes it a point to break down how they are often the most mistreated of any of the demographic areas. A Kyle Smith article in the New York Post makes a large effort to disparage the work of Michael Moore, but it does lend light on one example from Moore’s film where the focus is clearly placed upon mistreated women. In the article, Kyle Smith writes, â€Å"Perhaps the most absurd example is that of the woman who says that after she received benefits, the check was stopped because she had previously suffered an undisclosed yeast infection†(Smith). If the story from the woman in the film is true, then the problems within the system are so apparent and so flawed that securing healthcare is almost a hopeless venture for many women within the United States. Moore has harsh criticism for the current system in its exploitation of women financially. Because the current system is one that rewards doctors and insurance companies on the amount of work they can do, it directly impacts women. As mentioned previously, women have a greater reason to head to the doctor for a plethora of events. Under the current system, women are even discouraged from heading to the doctor in order to get the care that they so desperately need. Instead of going to the doctor to get care for themselves and their unborn children, women are being asked to limit their visits in an effort to save money. This is unfair and unsafe, according to Moore. His proposed implementation of a national healthcare system would take care of this issue, as it would shift the burden to all of the taxpayers and would insure that distribution of healthcare is on a need basis. That means that women would not feel pressured and they could head to the doctor’s office freely and without worry.            Michael Moore is not shy about offering up solutions for a better system. In his film, he specifically refers to the national healthcare systems used by much of Europe and Canada. He proposes that if America were to go to a taxpayer funded national healthcare system, like the one proposed by Obama, things would get much easier for women specifically. They would not only have unlimited care at their immediate disposal, but women would also have top notch care that is necessary. With fertility levels dropping and that causing problems to other national systems like Social Security, it is essential that the federal government takes action to help women protect themselves and their ability to have children. According to Moore, a federal system in which socialized medicine is offered will be the best scenario for women in the United States.  Works Cited Smith, Kyle. 19 June 2007. New York Post. Botched Operation: Crazy Moore Offers Wrong Prescription. Gardner, Amanda. 17 October 2007. HealthDay. U.S. Women’s Health Care Still Falls Short: Report. Associated Press. 2 July 2007. Little Defense for U.S. Health Care of ‘Sicko’. Nedra, Pickler. The Associated Press. 25 January 2007. Obama Calls for Universal Health Care.
Monday, July 22, 2019
If I Were to Wake Up as the Other Gender Essay Example for Free
If I Were to Wake Up as the Other Gender Essay Tomorrow, things would be different if I woke up as a boy. I would jump into the shower, but instead of the usual 20 minutes, it would only take me half the time to finish. I would be amazed about how much faster I could dress. It would also take me half the time to get ready since I do not have to dry my formerly long beautiful hair; now, I could just run a comb through my short hair. When I see myself in the mirror, my first reaction probably would be, â€Å"Holy Cow, I am so hairy!†Although I would be transformed into a male, I would still need to maintain my appearance. This means I would pluck my eyebrows, especially my unibrow, shave if I needed to, and make sure my face is fully moisturized. Shaving might consume the most time since I would have so much hair. When I finish washing up, I would need to get dressed for school. This would be a challenge since I do not have any male clothes, except some baggy shirts that I wear to sleep. I would need to wear one of them and find pants that would fit me. I would notice how my feet have grown and would need to borrow my roommate’s shoes. He always leaves them at the door so I would not bother him. He would freak out if he finds a male in his apartment. I would need to sneak out before he woke up. I would not care about what I wear because it would not be important. I would grab all my belongings for school. I would normally be nervous and anxious, but on the drive to school, I would be extremely excited to see what my day would entail. Also, I would be afraid of what my best friend would think about this situation. She would most likely scream out since she was used to me being a female. I would arrive at school and see my friend at our usual spot. I would go up to her and she would probably jump up and down thinking I was insane. I would calm her down and explain to her what happened. We would not gossip because my friend would still be trying to grasp the concept, and being a male, it would be hard to talk a lot. I would think back to when I talked about boys as a female, now I realized the roles have been changed. My friend would hopefully accept who I was. The next hard challenge would be how my professors react when they realize a new person is in their class. My first class would come along and I would sit through it without my professor noticing me as a male. I’m usually a talkative person, but this time around I would stay quiet. Because my female body would be absent, some of the students might ask if I was sick, because I had never missed a class. I would try hard not to laugh. I would stay quiet the whole day since I would not want to be suspicious or act differently from my female self. When lunch came around, I would be so hungry that I would drive to McDonalds and order ten piece chicken nuggets, a 24 oz coke, large fries, and two cheeseburgers. I always knew that men had an appetite. I would not be afraid to eat all of the food since I knew men also have a high metabolism. I would take advantage of my new transformation. After school, I would rush to the gym to show off how muscular my arms are and play some basketball with some boys at the gym. I would be so much faster and have much more strength than I ever had. There are definitely some advantages and disadvantages of being a male versus a female. Being a boy would be much easier, but overall, I would not change who I am, and I like my female gender better than if I was to transform.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Degrees Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Health And Social Care Essay
Degrees Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Health And Social Care Essay Carpal tunnel syndrome is a most common compression neuropathy of the upper extremity. It is caused by compression of median nerve in the carpal tunnel. Women are more commonly affected than men. It is commonly seen in age group between 30 and 60 years. Carpal tunnel syndrome usually occurs due to excessive use of the hands and occupational exposure to repeated trauma. Average cross sectional area of the carpal tunnel is 1.7 cm2 with the wrist in neutral position. Passive flexion and extension of the wrist has been increased the carpal tunnel pressure. Wrist extension increases carpal tunnel pressure more than the wrist flexion. Any space occupying mass or swelling of the structures in the tunnel also causes pressure on the median nerve. Mostly, the cause of carpal tunnel syndrome is unknown. Any condition which causes pressure on median nerve at the wrist will result in carpal tunnel syndrome. Obesity, pregnancy, hypothyroidism, arthritis, diabetes and trauma are the common conditions that lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. Repetitive work such as uninterrupted typing which result in tendon inflammation can also cause carpal tunnel symptoms. Carpal tunnel syndrome due to repetitive activities has referred to one of the repetitive stress injuries. In some rare diseases such as amyloidosis, leukemia, multiple myeloma, and sarcoidosis, deposition of abnormal substances in and around the carpal tunnel leads to nerve irritation. Prolonged flexion or extension of the wrists under the patients head or pillow during sleep is believed to contribute to the prevalence of nocturnal symptoms. Usually patient complaints pain, numbness and tingling sensation in the hand and fingers. Symptoms worsening at night typically awakening the patient or occurring on bunching up the hand for tasks such as writing. Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common cause of acroparaesthesiae often pain and paraesthesiae may be the only symptoms for many months or years. The syndrome is essentially a sensory one; the loss or impairment of superficial sensation affects the thumb, index and middle fingers and may be or may not split the ring finger. There may be wasting and weakness of the thenar muscles. Weakness and atrophy of the abductor pollicis brevis and other muscles supplied by median nerve occur in only the most advanced cases of compression. Degrees of carpal tunnel syndrome are classified as dynamic, mild, moderate and severe. The pathophysiology of carpal tunnel syndrome is typically demyelination. Secondary axon loss may present in more severe cases. With 20 to 30 mm hg compression, the initial insult is a reduction in epineural blood flow. With wrist extension, intracarpal pressures routinely measure atleast 33 mm hg and often upto 110 mm hg in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. Edema in the epineurium and endoneurium is caused by continued or increased pressure. Carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosed by detailed history collection, phalen maneuver, percussion test, two point discrimination test, vibrometry, monofilament test, distal sensory latency and conduction velocity, distal motor latency conduction, upper limb tension tests. X-ray is taken to check for arthritis and fracture. If there is a suspected medical condition that is associated with carpal tunnel syndrome, laboratory tests may be done. This condition could be mistaken for a brachial neuritis due to cervical intervertebral disc prolapse at C5 C7 level. Nerve conduction tests on the median nerve help to localize the lesion in the tunnel. Both conservative and surgical management options are available in order to reduce pressure over median nerve. The current conservative treatments include non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs, sometimes rest, local injection of corticosteroids, activity modification, ultrasound therapy, carpal bone mobilization, magnetic therapy, night and/or daytime wrist splint positioned at 0 to 15 degrees of extension, nerve and tendon gliding exercises. Anyone of the measures alone or in combination can be effective in treating early carpal tunnel syndrome. Tendon gliding exercises are performed to lubricate and increase gliding of the flexor pollicis longus, flexor digitorum superficialis and flexor digitorum profundus tendons. They are best performed with the hand elevated to concurrently control local edema. Median nerve gliding exercises and the upper limb tension test with median nerve bias can be used as treatment techniques. Modality treatment can also control symptoms and enhance the therapeutic exercise program. Exercise intervention for carpal tunnel syndrome focuses on mobility and strengthening without producing an exacerbation. Stretches for the extrinsic and intrinsic muscles are prescribed for several times each day. If working, a patient should perform them before work. They should be performed slowly and gently; the patient feel only a gentle stretching sensation. In workplace, modification of the job site or complete ergonomic redesign is typically the most helpful approach. In addition yoga, chiropractics, laser treatment have been advocated. Surgery is indicated in advanced cases with objective sensory loss and /or weakness or atrophy of the abductor pollicis brevis. In severe cases surgical division of the transverse carpal ligament relieves the condition. Surgical management includes open carpal tunnel release and endoscopic release. It aims to decompress nerve, to improve excursion and to prevent flexor damage. Splinting is the most popular method of conservative management of carpal tunnel syndrome. Splints are recommended by the American Academy of Neurology for the Carpal tunnel syndrome with light and moderate pathology. Immobilization of the wrist joint in a neutral position with splint will increase the carpal tunnel volume and minimize the median nerve pressure. Wrist Splinting in a neutral position will help reduce and may even completely relieve Carpal tunnel syndrome (Slater RR et al 1999). Ultrasound therapy is more useful in the management of Carpal tunnel syndrome. It has the potential to accelerate normal resolution of inflammation. Ultrasound therapy elicit anti inflammatory and tissue stimulating effects. Ultrasound therapy accelerates the healing process in damaged tissues. Pulsed Ultrasound therapy with the intensity of 1.0 w/cm2, 1:4 for fifteen minutes per session has significantly improved subjective symptoms in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome (Ebenbichler GR et al). Nerve and tendon gliding exercises are used in conservative treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome to decrease adhesions and to regulate venous return in nerve bundles (Rozmaryn et al). Nerve and tendon gliding exercises may maximize the relative movement of the median nerve within the Carpal tunnel and the excursion of flexor tendon relative to one another (Rempel D, Manojlovic R et al). Wrist splint along with nerve and tendon gliding exercises showed significant improvement in reducing symptoms in Carpal tunnel syndrome. (Akalin et al) NEED FOR THE STUDY: Ultra sound therapy, splints, nerve and tendon gliding exercises are significantly effective in reducing symptoms in the treatment of Carpal tunnel syndrome. Combination of various treatments is also useful in reducing symptoms in Carpal tunnel syndrome. Ultrasound therapy helps to increase healing process in damaged tissue. This study aimed to find out the effect of Ultrasound therapy in reducing pain in patients with Carpal tunnel syndrome. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Effect of Ultrasound Therapy in reducing pain in patients with Carpal tunnel syndrome. KEY WORDS: Carpal tunnel syndrome Ultrasound therapy Splint Exercises Pain Visual analogue scale (VAS) AIM: To find out the Effect of Ultrasound Therapy in reducing pain in patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. OBJECTIVE: To study the Effect of Ultrasound Therapy in reducing pain in patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. HYPOTHESIS: 1.6.1. NULL HYPOTHESIS There is no significant effect of Ultrasound Therapy, Splint and Exercises in reducing pain in patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. There is no significant effect of Splint and Exercises in reducing pain in patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. There is no significant difference between the effect of Ultrasound Therapy, Splint and Exercises and Splint and Exercises in reducing pain in patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. 1.6.2. ALTERNATE HYPOTHESIS There is significant effect of Ultrasound Therapy, Splint and Exercises in reducing pain in patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. There is significant effect of Splint and Exercises in reducing pain in patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. There is significant difference between the effect of Ultrasound Therapy, Splint and Exercises and Splint and Exercises in reducing pain in patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. II.REVIEW OF LITERATURE CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME DAVID A FULLER, MD, et al (2010) Stated that carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common entrapment neuropathy. The syndrome is characterised by pain, paraesthesia, and weakness in the median nerve distribution of the hand. The etiology of carpal tunnel syndrome is multifactorial which is contributed by various degrees of local and systemic factors. Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome are due to ischemia and impaired axonal transport of the median nerve which results from median nerve compression at the wrist. (Lunborg G, Dahlin LB 1992). Elevated pressure inside the carpal tunnel leads to compression. HARVEY SIMON, MD et al, (2009) Stated that carpal tunnel syndrome is considered as an inflammatory disorder caused by medical conditions, physical injury or repetitive stress. JEFFREY G NORVELL, MD et al (2009) Stated that carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is caused predominantly by median nerve compression at the wrist because of hypertrophy or oedema of the flexor synovium. Pain is thought to be secondary to nerve ischemia rather than direct physical damage of the nerve. S.BRENT BROTZMAN, MD (2003) Explained that degree of the carpal tunnel syndrome as dynamic, mild moderate and severe. In mild cases, patients has intermittent symptoms, decreased light touch, positive digital compression test and positive tinel sign or phalen test may or may not be present. In moderate cases, patients have frequent symptoms, decreased vibratory sense, muscle weakness, positive tinel sign, phalen test and digital compression test. GERRITSEN AA, DE KROM MC, STRUIJS MA, ET AL (2002) Stated that carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is caused by median nerve compression at the wrist and is considered to be the more common entrapment neuropathy. Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include pain, numbness or tingling sensation, paraesthesia, involving the fingers innervated by the median nerve. (Bakhtiary AH, Rashidy Pour AR et al 2004) GELBERMAN RH, HERGENROEDER PT, HARGENS AR, RYDEVIK B, LUNDBORG G, BAGGE U (1981) Fracture callus, osteophytes, anomalous muscle bodies, tumours, hypertrophic synovium, and infection as well as gout and other inflammatory conditions can produce increased pressure within the carpal tunnel. Extremes of wrist flexion and extension also elevate pressure within the carpal tunnel. Intraneural blood flow is affected by compression on nerve. Venular blood flow in a nerve is reduced by pressure as low as twenty to thirty mm Hg. At level of thirty mm Hg, axonal transport is impaired. At forty mm Hg, neurophysiologic changes manifested as sensory and motor dysfunctions are present. Any further increase in pressure will produce sensory and motor block. At level of sixty to eighty mm Hg, complete cessation of intraneural blood flow is seen. In one study, the carpal tunnel pressure in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome averaged thirty two mm Hg, compared with only about two mm Hg in control subjects. RH GELBERMAN, AR HARGENS, GN LUNDBORG, PT HERGENROEDER et al, (1981) Measured intra carpal canal pressures with the wick catheter in 15 patients with carpal tunnel syndrome and in 12 control subjects. The average pressure in the carpal tunnel was raised significantly in the patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. When the wrist was in neutral position, the mean pressure was 32 millimeters of mercury. With ninety degrees of wrist flexion the pressure raised to 94 millimeters of mercury. While with ninety degrees of wrist extension the average pressure was 110 millimeters of mercury. The pressure of carpal canal in the control subjects with the neutral position of wrist was 2.5 millimeters of mercury; with wrist flexion the carpal canal pressure rise to 31 millimeters of mercury, and with wrist extension it increased to 30 millimeters of mercury. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â GEORGE S. PHALEN M.D, et al (1966) Stated that diagnosed Carpal tunnel syndrome has been made in 654 hands of 439 patients during the last seventeen years. The typical patient with this syndrome is a middle-aged housewife with numbness and tingling in the thumb and index, long, and ring fingers, which is worse at night and worse after excessive activity of the hands. The sensory disturbances both objective and subjective must be directly related to the sensory distribution of the median nerve distal to the wrist but pain may be referred proximal to the wrist as high as the shoulder. There is usually a positive tinel sign over the median nerve at the wrist, and the wrist flexion test is also usually positive. About half of the patients also have some degree of thenar atrophy. In clinical practice, Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most commonly seen entrapment mononeuropathy which is caused by median nerve compression at the wrist (PHALEN 1966, GELBERMAN et al 1998). Usually patients show one or more symptoms of hand weakness, pain, numbness or tingling in the hand, especially in the thumb, index and middle fingers (SIMOVIC and WEINBERG 2000). Symptoms are worst during night time and often wakeup the patient. WILLIAM C. SHIEL JR., MD.FACP, FACR, et al Stated that the cause of the carpal tunnel syndrome is unknown. Any condition which causes pressure on the median nerve at the wrist will result in carpal tunnel syndrome. Common conditions such as obesity, pregnancy, hypothyroidism, arthritis, diabetes, and trauma can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. Repetitive work such as uninterrupted typing result in tendon inflammation can also cause Carpal tunnel symptoms. In some rare diseases such as amyloidosis, leukemia, multiple myeloma, and sarcoidosis, deposition of abnormal substances in and around the carpal tunnel leads to nerve irritation. MEDIAN NERVE LUNDBORG G, DAHLIN LB, et al (1996) Stated that throughout the extremity movement, mobility of the peripheral nerve changes and longitudinal movement of the median nerve mostly occur in the carpal tunnel. In Carpal tunnel syndrome, this physiologic mobility of the median nerve disappears. REMPEL D, MANOJLOVIC R, LEVINSOHN DG, et al (1994) Stated that during the exercise there may be redistribution of the point of maximal compression on the median nerve. This milking effect would promote venous return from the median nerve, thus decreasing the pressure inside the perineurium. NAKAMICHI AND S. TACHIBANA et al Conducted a study the motion of median nerve in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome and normal subjects. Median nerve motion was assessed by axial ultrasonographic imaging the mid carpal tunnel. They concluded that wrist of patients with Carpal tunnel syndrome showed less sliding which indicates that physiological motion of the nerve is restricted. This decrease in nerve mobility may be of significance in the pathophysiology of carpal tunnel syndrome. ULTRASOUND THERAPY BAKHTIARY AH, RASHIDY-POUR A et al (2004) Conducted a study to compare the effect of Ultrasound and laser therapy in patients with mild to moderate idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome. By electromyography findings, 90 hands in 50 consecutive patients with carpal tunnel syndrome were confirmed and allocated randomly in two groups. One group received low level laser therapy and the other group received ultrasound therapy. Ultrasound treatment (pulsed 1:4, 1.0 W/cm2, 1 MHz, 15 min/session) and low level laser therapy (infrared laser, 830nm, 9 Joules, at five points) were given to the carpal tunnel for fifteen daily treatment sessions. Ultrasound group showed more significant improvement than low level laser therapy group in motor latency, motor action potential amplitude, finger pinch strength, and pain reduction. Effects were also sustained in the follow-up period. They concluded that ultrasound therapy was more effective than laser therapy in the management of carpal tunnel syndrome. EBENBICHLER GR, RESCH KL et al (1998) Studied the efficacy of Ultrasound therapy in patients with mild to moderate idiopathic Carpal tunnel syndrome. Ultrasound with parameters 1MHZ, 1.0 W/cm2 pulsed mode 1:4, 15 minutes per session was applied over the carpal tunnel and compared with Sham Ultrasound. Actively treated ultrasound group showed significant improvement than sham treated wrists in both subjective symptoms and electroneurographic variables. To confirm the usefulness of ultrasound therapy for Carpal tunnel syndrome, more studies are needed. Additional randomized trials comparing conservative therapies for Carpal tunnel syndrome would be useful in selecting appropriate treatments for individual patients. EL HAG M, COGHLAN K, CHRISMAS P et al (1985) Stated that Ultrasound could elicit anti-inflammatory and tissue-stimulating effects as already shown in clinical trials and experimentally (Byl et al 1992, Young and Dyson 1990). In this way, Ultrasound has the potential to accelerate normal resolution of inflammation (Dyson 1989). The results of these studies confirm that Ultrasound may accelerate the healing process in damaged tissues. In mild to moderate carpal tunnel syndrome patients, these mechanisms may explain their findings including pain relief, increased grip and pinch strength, and changed electrophysiological parameters toward normal values better than Laser therapy. WRIST SPLINT Wrist splints help to keep the wrist straight and reduce pressure on the compressed nerve. Doctor may recommend the patients to wear wrist splints either at night, or both day and night, although patient may find that they get in the way when they are doing their daily activities. Some research indicates that ultrasound treatment may help to reduce the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. (BUPAS health information team 2010) BRININGER TL, ROGERS JC et al (2007) Fabricated customized neutral splint and nerve and tendon gliding exercises is more effective than wrist cock up splint and nerve and tendon gliding exercises in reducing symptoms and improving functional status in the treatment of Carpal tunnel syndrome. GERRITSEN AA, DE KROM MC, STRUIJS MA, et al (2002) Immobilization of the wrist joint in a neutral position with a splint will maximizes carpal tunnel volume and minimize the pressure acting on median nerve. AKALIN E, EL O, SENOCAK O, et al (2002) Compared the effect of wrist splint alone to wrist splint with nerve and tendon gliding exercises in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome. In their study, both groups showed significant improvement in clinical parameters, functional status scale and symptom severity scale. They also reported significant improvement only in pinch strength in the group with wrist splint in combination with exercises compared with the wrist splint group. MANENTE G, TORRIERI F, et al (2001) Stated that wearing a specially designed wrist splint at night time for four weeks was more effective than no treatment in reducing the symptoms of Carpal tunnel syndrome. SLATER RR, et al (1999) Stated that splinting the wrist in a neutral position will help to reduce and may even completely relieve carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms. SAILER SM, et al (1996) Stated that the optimal splinting regimen depends on the patients symptoms and preferences. To prevent prolonged wrist flexion or extension, night splint use is recommended. BURKE DT, STEWRT GW, CAMBER A, et Al (1994) Stated that carpal tunnel syndrome is the commonest compression neuropathy in the upper limb. Several studies have demonstrated the effect of wrist splint in reducing the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. But the chosen angle of immobilization has varied in the management of carpal tunnel syndrome. Wick catheter measurements of carpal tunnel pressures suggest that the neural position has less pressure and, therefore, greater potential to provide relief from symptoms. KRUGER VL, KRAFT GH, et al (1991) Stated that wrist splint at a neutral angle helps to decrease repetitive flexion and rotation, thereby relieving mild soft tissue swelling or tenosynovitis. Splinting is most effective when it is applied within three months of the onset of symptoms. NERVE AND TENDON GLIDING EXERCISES BAYSAL O, ERTEMK, YOLOGLUS, ALTAY Z, KAYHANA et al (2006) Stated that combination of ultrasound therapy, splinting and exercises is a preferable and an efficacious treatment for patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. ROZMARYN LM, et al (1998) Used nerve and tendon gliding exercises in conservative treatment models to decrease adhesions developed in the carpal tunnel and regulate venous return in the nerve bundles. They reviewed more than 200 hands under consideration for carpal tunnel decompression. Altogether 71% of the patients who were not offered gliding exercises went forward to surgery; only 43% of the gliding exercise group was felt to require surgery. SERADGE et al (1995) Stated that intermittent active wrist and finger flexion-extension exercises reduce the pressure in the carpal tunnel. SZABO et al (1994) Showed that the relationship between median nerve and flexor tendon excursion was consistently linear. They suggested active finger motion of the median nerve and flexor tendons in the vicinity of the wrist to prevent adhesion formation even if the wrist is immobilized. REMPEL D, MANOJLOVIC R, LEVINSOHN DG, et al (1994) Stated that the median nerve movement is increased by nerve and tendon gliding exercises in the carpal tunnel and the flexor tendons excursion is increased in relative to one another. TOTTEN AND HUNTER, et al (1991) Proposed a series of exercises enhancing the gliding of the median nerve and tendon at the carpal tunnel for management of postoperative Carpal tunnel syndrome. They also suggested these exercises for non-operative Carpal tunnel syndrome. LAMINA PINAR, SAIT ADA AND NEVIN GUNGOR ET AL Stated that nerve and tendon gliding exercises included in conservative therapy approaches showed more rapid pain reduction and greater functional improvement in grip strength. HANNAH RICE MYERS, et al Stated that carpal tunnel exercises reduce the tension on the tendons in the tunnel and strengthen the weakened muscles of wrist and forearms. Even though nerve and tendon gliding exercises are effective when used alone, they have a greater effect when used along with other intervention such as splint. For people who are involving jobs with keeping their hands in a fixed position throughout the day such as typing secretaries, these exercises may help to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome from developing. VISUAL ANALOGUE SCALE POLLY E. BIJUR PHD, WENDY SILVER MA, E. JOHN GALLAGHER MD et al (2008) Conducted to study to assess the reliability of the visual analogue scale (VAS) for acute pain measurement as assessed by the intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) appears to be high. The results showed that the Visual analogue scale (VAS) is sufficiently reliable to be used to assess acute pain. PAUL S. MYLES, MBBS, MPH, MD, FFARCSI, et al (1999) Stated Visual analog scale (VAS) is a tool widely used to measure pain. A patient is asked to indicate his/her perceived pain intensity (most commonly) along a 100 mm horizontal line, and this rating is then measured from the left edge (VAS score). The visual analogue scale score correlates well with acute pain. JOYCE, et al Suggested that visual analogue scale and another scales have been compared in terms of sensitivity, distribution of responses and preferences. Results of these studies appear equal. The visual analogue scale has been described as superior in one study because it was more sensitivity than any other scale. III. METHODOLOGY 3.1 STUDY DESIGN: Pretest and Posttest Experimental group study design. 3.2 STUDY SETTING: The study was conducted at Department of Physiotherapy, K.G.Hospital, Coimbatore. 3.3 STUDY DURATION: 3 weeks for each individual subject and the total duration was one year. 3.4 STUDY POPULATION: Patients with Carpal tunnel syndrome referred to the Department of physiotherapy, K.G.Hospital, Coimbatore. 3.5 STUDY SAMPLE: All patients with carpal tunnel syndrome who referred to Department of Physiotherapy, K.G. Hospital were selected. Among all patients, 20 patients who satisfied inclusive and exclusive criteria were selected and assigned into two groups, 10 of each by using Purposive Sampling method. 3.6 CRITERIA FOR SELECTION: INCLUSIVE CRITERIA: Age group above 30 years. Both sexes. Patients with mild to moderate unilateral carpal tunnel syndrome. Patients with Positive Tinel sign, Phalens test and Digital compression test. EXCLUSIVE CRITERIA: Patients with severe carpal tunnel syndrome Patients having thenar atrophy or denervation on electromyographic findings Patients with a neuropathy other than carpal tunnel syndrome in the past year Patient with history of steroid injection in carpal tunnel in the past 3 months Patients had a prior carpal tunnel release Cervical disc prolapse Degenerative changes of cervical spine Acute upper limb fractures Wrist and fingers stiffness Recent hand surgeries Deqeurains disease Pregnancy Acute Infections of Wrist and Hand 3.7 Variables: Dependent variable Pain. Independent variable Visual analogue scale. 3.8 Orientation of subjects: Before treatment all the patients were explained about the study and procedure to be applied and were asked to inform if they feel any discomfort during the course of the treatment. All the willing patients were asked to sign the consent form before the treatment. 3.9 OUTCOME MEASURES: Pain. 3.10 OPERATIONAL TOOLS: Visual analogue scale 3.11 STUDY PROCEDURE: 20 Patients with carpal tunnel syndrome were selected for this study after due consideration of inclusive and exclusive criteria. 20 patients were divided into 2 groups of 10 each. Group A: 10 patients received ultrasound therapy, splint and exercises. Ultrasound therapy with parameters of 1 MHz pulsed mode, 1:4, 1 w/cm2 is given 15 minutes per day, five times per week. Custom made neutral volar splint is given at night and during day time. Exercises are nerve and tendon gliding exercises. During tendon-gliding exercises, the fingers are placed in five discrete positions. Those were straight, hook, fist, table top, and straight fist. During the median nerve-gliding exercise the median nerve was mobilized by putting the hand and wrist in six different positions. During these exercises the neck and the shoulder were in a neutral position and the elbow was in supination and 90 degrees of flexion. Each position was maintained for 5 seconds. Each exercise is repeated 10 times at each session, 5 sessions per day. The total treatment duration is 3 weeks. Group B: 10 patients received only Splint and Exercises. Custom made neutral volar splint is given at night and during day time. Exercises are nerve and tendon gliding exercises. During tendon-gliding exercises, the fingers are placed in five discrete positions. Those were straight, hook, fist, table top, and straight fist. During the median nerve-gliding exercise the median nerve was mobilized by putting the hand and wrist in six different positions. During these exercises the neck and the shoulder were in a neutral position and the elbow was in supination and 90 degrees of flexion. Each position was maintained for 5 seconds. Each exercise is repeated 10 times at each session, 5 sessions per day. The total treatment duration is 3 weeks. 3.12 STATISTICAL TOOLS: Statistical analysis was done using Student t-test. Paired t test Where, n = Total number of subjects SD = Standard deviation d = Difference between initial and final value = Mean difference between initial and final value. (ii) Unpairedt test: To compare the pre test, post test values of both groups independentt test is used. Where, n1 = Number of subjects in Group A. n2 = Number of subjects in Group B. = Mean of Group A = Mean of Group B s1 = Standard deviation of Group A. s2 = Standard deviation of Group B. S = Combined standard deviation IV.DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION TABLE-1 VISUAL ANALOGUE SCALE FOR PAIN GROUP A PAIREDt TEST Mean values, mean differences, standard deviation andt values of Visual Analogue Scale for Group A who underwent Ultrasound therapy, Splint, Nerve and Tendon gliding exercises. S. NO VAS Improvement t value Mean Mean difference Standard deviation 1. Pre test 5.60 3.90 0.70 39.0 2. Post test 1.70 0.67 FIGURE-1 GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF MEAN VISUAL ANALOGUE SCALE FOR GROUP A TABLE-2 VISUAL ANALOGUE SCALE FOR PAIN FOR GROUP B PAIREDt TEST Mean values, mean differences, standard deviation andt values of Visual Analogue Scale for Group B who underwent to Splint, Nerve and Tendon gliding exercises. S. NO VAS Improvement t value Mean Mean difference Standard deviation 1. Pre test 5.40 3.0 0.70 20.12 2. Post test 2.40 0.52 FIGURE-2 GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF MEAN VISUAL ANALOGUE SCALE FOR GROUP B TABLE-3 VISUAL ANALOGUE SCALE FOR PAIN PRETEST VALUES OF GROUP A VERSUS GROUP B UNPAIREDt TEST Mean, mean difference, standard deviation and unpairedt test of pre test v
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Violence on Televison and its Effect on Children Essay -- TV Media Agg
â€Å"Bang- Bang!! You’re dead,†Charlie says to Andrew as they are watching Cops on the television. â€Å"NO! That is not fair, we didn’t get into a fight, and we have to get into a fight before we shot each other!†Andrew announced to Charlie as he starts to stand up! â€Å"Well, then steal something and I will come after you just like in the show!†According to one researcher, â€Å"Before children reach the age of 18, they spend approximately 22,000 hours watching television, and about 200,000 violent acts†(Gunter 23). Violence can come in many forms, but out of all the violence in the media, the television plays a large role in child development. There is plenty of evidence that the viewing of violent programs on television contributes to aggressive behavior in children. The words â€Å"aggression and violence†are used interchangeably and mean the same thing. Aggression is, â€Å"regarded as human behavior which deliberately attempts to cause injury to other people or things that are not one’s one. According to Van der Voort, aggression can be direct or indirect or physical or non-physical (20). There are many definitions which describe aggression and they all focus on the fact that one is doing harm to themselves or to others. â€Å"Violence on television may not affect all children the same way, but it has an effect on everyone†(Honig 66). Children will respond to violence in any situation, it is how much they respond to that is important. In the magazine Young Children, a researcher named Gouze reports that child fell into â€Å"high or low aggressive groups,†depending on their ideas of how they would solve the problem socially with other (68). Aggression/violence is present in the world. Violence on t elevision influences childr... ...of horrible act when in a bad situation!†Andrew’s mom announced after she saw what they playing. â€Å"OK fine, but I get to pick out what book to read†â€Å"NO I get to pick it out†â€Å"No I do!†Charlie and Andrew from there after, never played Cops again, instead they read a book or played with Andrew’s little sister Amber. The negative effects of violence on television influence the way children act in a social environment. If parents knew exactly how the television influences their loved ones, maybe they would take more of an effort to try to stop this aggressive behavior before it starts. Violence comes in many forms that almost every child will either possess or witness. Violence in children is inevitable; in some sort of instance aggression will be apart of a child’s life. Dealing with violence and aggression is the most important objective in child development.
theme Essay -- essays research papers
Theme is a concept that can be related to all works of literature ranging from short stories to novels. Theme, which is sometimes used in the same sense as motif to signify recurring concepts in literature, refers mainly to the arguments or general ideas expressed by a literary work, whether it is implied or explicitly stated. In the short story â€Å"Harrison Bergeron†by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. theme played a vital role in the stories general setup. â€Å"Harrison Bergeron†theme was on a general basic of equality. Equality is a subject that is very touchy and most do not know how to conquer or talk about it, but Vonnegut captured it in his story â€Å"Harrison Bergeron.†According to Vonnegut and his them equality could be obtained by these three main objectives. The three main objectives were to 1) make everyone have the same intelligence, 2) make everyone the have the same strengths and weaknesses, and 3) make everyone look alike.      One of the three main objectives that were used in the story â€Å"Harrison Bergeron†was that everyone must look alike. This was accomplish by there not being makeup for women, handicaps for all people, and other accessories put on the body to make a person seem as if they had no strengths or weaknesses. An example of this happening was when Hazel and George were having a conversation while watching ballerinas and the conversation went blank because of a loud noise in George’s and the ballerina’s ears. It was stated in the story that â€Å"Haz... theme Essay -- essays research papers Theme is a concept that can be related to all works of literature ranging from short stories to novels. Theme, which is sometimes used in the same sense as motif to signify recurring concepts in literature, refers mainly to the arguments or general ideas expressed by a literary work, whether it is implied or explicitly stated. In the short story â€Å"Harrison Bergeron†by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. theme played a vital role in the stories general setup. â€Å"Harrison Bergeron†theme was on a general basic of equality. Equality is a subject that is very touchy and most do not know how to conquer or talk about it, but Vonnegut captured it in his story â€Å"Harrison Bergeron.†According to Vonnegut and his them equality could be obtained by these three main objectives. The three main objectives were to 1) make everyone have the same intelligence, 2) make everyone the have the same strengths and weaknesses, and 3) make everyone look alike.      One of the three main objectives that were used in the story â€Å"Harrison Bergeron†was that everyone must look alike. This was accomplish by there not being makeup for women, handicaps for all people, and other accessories put on the body to make a person seem as if they had no strengths or weaknesses. An example of this happening was when Hazel and George were having a conversation while watching ballerinas and the conversation went blank because of a loud noise in George’s and the ballerina’s ears. It was stated in the story that â€Å"Haz...
Friday, July 19, 2019
Symbolism in A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams Essay
Symbolism in A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams In Tennessee Williams’ play, A Streetcar Named Desire, the character of Blanche Dubois is a vivid example of the use of symbolism throughout the play. Blanche wants to view things in an unrealistic way. â€Å"I don’t want realism. I want magic†¦I try to give that to people. I misrepresent things to them. I don’t tell truth, I tell what ought to be truth†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Blanche p.117). She doesn’t want reality; instead she wishes to view a rose-colored version of life that goes along with her old-fashioned southern belle personality. Blanche doesn’t want to face the reality of her problems. She wants everything to be softened and dimmed for her, just as the light is softened and dimmed by the shade. â€Å"Light†often symbolizes truth, which is why she doesn’t like to stand in an illuminated room. She hides from reality and lives in a world of her own creation. â€Å"I can’t stand a naked bulb, any more than I can a rude remark or a vulgar action†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Blanche p.55 scene 3). She had bought a little colored paper lantern to put it over the light bulb, so the room could get that mysterious touch that she wanted. â€Å"†¦Soft people have got to shimmer and glow- they’ve got to put on soft colors, the colors of butterfly wings, and put a paper lantern over the light†¦ It isn’t enough to be soft. You’ve got to be soft and attractive. And I-I’m fading now! I don’t know how much longer I can turn the trick†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Blanche p. 79 scene 5). Blanche can al...
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Friendship in the West & Friendship in Islam Essay
It is natural for people to form friendships with others whom they interact with on a regular basis. Friendships can be formed through growing up in the same neighbourhood, meeting at school, college, university, social gatherings and via a number of other activities. Friendship is something common amongst people, however there are different conceptions of it. Some common conceptions include the following: friends will always stick by your side, you can always rely on a friend, you can speak freely to your friend and tell them your problems, friends like you for who you are, etc. When people have personal problems such as disputes with their family members or if they require advice they usually turn to their friends. Friendship in the West Friendship in the West is based on benefit. Friends come together on the basis of mutual interest, so they will go to the cinema, parties and clubbing together. They talk about the opposite sex freely to each other and hide each others secrets even if they involve evil actions. They often gain comfort in backbiting and winging about other people who they don’t like. Unfortunately some Muslims carry the Western notion of friendship as they follow the crowd rather than to looking to Islam for solutions. Due to the fact that friendship is based on benefit in the West, it is easy for people to ‘break out’ with each other, have rows and even become enemies. This happens when their interests conflict and can be over petty things such as not going for a night out with them or larger things such as betrayal. In many cases people even talk negatively about some of their friends in front of others and even betray them by having affairs with their wife, sisters or girlfriend. Friends even become status symbols, so people long to ‘hang out’ with a particular crowd to look cool. Often crowds have leaders with egos, so staying on the right side of certain people is important if you want to be accepted. For some this means ‘sucking up’ to them, for others it means undertaking actions to make them think you’re ‘cool’. Friendship in the West is based on using each other. The proof of this can be seen in the fact that when friends became unusable they drift apart. Typically, if someone’s friend was to suddenly change and stop clubbing, partying and drooling over the opposite sex at every opportunity they would start treating them differently and normally ‘break out’ with them. Especially if this person begins to account them when they are wrong and advise them upon their actions repeatedly. As an example if someone begins to practise Islam and stops committing Haram and advises his friends to do the same. Those with the Western concept of friendship would change their attitude towards them and they would be distanced and only occasionally spoken to. The reason for this is that it there is no more benefit in their eyes to keep a close relationship with them, in fact it completely contradicts their lust for pleasure as when the person speaks about Islam it is seen as an attack on their lifestyle. Friendship in Western societies is normally false as the society is founded on greed, individualism and following lusts. Friendship in Islam is true as it is based on sincerity, trust and Taqwa (piety). Friendship in Islam Islam recognises that a Muslim will naturally spend more time with certain people and be more comfortable with them in raising their personal problems and issues. This does not mean in any way that the rest of the Muslims are not their brothers and sisters whom they love, rather all that it means that they will be closer to certain people than others just as people are usually closer to their family than others. Islam recognises that friends have a strong influence on people and that their environment will affect the strength of their relationship with Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’aala). The Prophet (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) said, â€Å"A person follows the Deen (way of life) of his close friend; therefore let each of you look carefully at whom he chooses for friends†[Tirmidhi] A Muslim should choose friends that will advise him and remind him of Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’aala) rather than lure him to the path of Shaytan. It has also been narrated that our friends in the Dunya (world) will be our friends in the Akhira (afterlife). It is therefore vital for a Muslim to choose good friends. The love between two Muslim friends is such that they would confide in each other, help each other in times of need and strengthen each other’s commitment to the Deen of Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’aala). The Prophet (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) encouraged for Muslims who have love for each other not to keep it to themselves. It has been narrated by al-Bukhari in al-Adaabul-Mufrad (no. 191) that Allah’s Messenger (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) said, â€Å"If one of you loves his brother for Allah’s sake, then let him tell him since it causes familiarity to endure and firmly establishes love†. Abu Huraira narrated that the Prophet (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) said, â€Å"You will not enter Paradise until you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another. Shall I not guide you to something which if you carry out you will love one another. Spread as-Salaam amongst yourselves.†[Muslim] Friendship in Islam is not based on using each other; on the contrary, helping each other to stay away from the Haram is fundamental to it. How could someone watch his brother burn without doing anything to save him? A person who did that would be ones worst enemy rather than a friend. Therefore Muslims always warn and advise each other. The Prophet (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) said, â€Å"Each of you is the mirror of his brother, so if he sees any fault in him he should wipe it away from him.†[Tirmidhi] This means the purpose of confiding secrets to each other wouldn’t be as in the Western values where people confide their secrets to feel good knowing that they will not be a comeback. Rather in Islam we confide our secrets to our friends to seek their sincere advice and help. So a Muslim will ask his friends about issues relating to marriage, problems within his family, troubles he feels at work or fears that he has. Friendship has rules in Islam unlike in the West – to visit them especially when they are ill, to inquire about their family, feeding them when they are hungry, attending to their needs, keeping their private affairs to yourself and sharing your wealth with them without hesitation. It is related that Ibn Umar (ra) was looking about from right to left in the presence of the Prophet (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam), who asked the reason for doing so. Ibn Umar replied, â€Å"There is someone dear to me and I am searching for him, but do not see him†. The Prophet (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) then said, Umar bin Al-Khattab (ra) said, â€Å"Encountering your brothers lifts all grief. If Allah blesses you with good relations with another Muslim, hold fast to it†. Rule of friendship with non-Muslims As Muslims living in the West we interact with non-Muslims on a daily basis whether at work, University, college or in society at large. It is incorrect for us to cut ourselves completely from them and live in isolation. We should aim at building relationships with them in order to give them Da’wa to embrace Islam. Therefore we should have them as acquaintances, however this does not mean that we are allowed to have them as close friends, as Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’aala) says: â€Å"O you who believe, take not into intimacy those outside your ranks: they will not fail to corrupt you.†[TMQ Al-Imran: 118] Not taking them as close friends means that you don’t share with them your innermost thoughts and feelings. For no matter how well you know them, they reject Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’aala) and His Messenger (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam). The bond of Iman is even stronger than that of kinship. An example of this can be seen after the great battle of Badr, the Quraysh prisoners of war were bought to the Prophet (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) who assigned them to the custody of individual Muslims. The Messenger (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) said, â€Å"Treat them well.†Amongst the prisoners was Abu Aziz ibn Umayr, the brother of Mus’ab ibn Umayr (ra). Abu Aziz narrates what happened, â€Å"I was among a group of Ansaar†¦Whenever they had lunch or dinner they would give me bread and dates to eat in obedience to the Prophet’s instruction to them to treat us well. My brother, Mus’ab ibn Umayr, passed by me and said to the man holding me prisoner, â€Å"Tie him firmly†¦ His mother (i.e. Mus’ab’s own mother) is a woman of great wealth and maybe she would ransom him for you.†Abu Aziz ibn Umayr could not believe his ears. Astonished, he turned to Mus’ab and asked: â€Å"My brother, is this your instruction concerning me?†Mus’ab ibn Umayr (ra) replied, â€Å"He is my brother, not you!†pointing to the Ansaari Sahabi holding him, affirming that in the battle between the Haq and the Batil, the bonds of Iman are stronger than the ties of kinship. Prohibition of backbiting, slander, envy, jealousy & grudges The relationship of friendship is one of trust as a good Muslim is trustworthy and not deceitful, betraying or a backbiter. In reality this makes the love between friends in Islam stronger than friendship according to Western values as there is no constant thinking about whether your friend is speaking ill of you to other people or whether they are having a hidden relationship with your sister or wife. Islam has prohibited backbiting and slander and thus removing the cause of suspicion and doubt amongst people. Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’aala) says: â€Å"Neither backbite one another. Would one of you love to eat the flesh of his dead brother. You abhor that (so abhor the other)! And keep your duty to Allah. Lo! Allah is Relenting, Merciful.†[Al-Hujarat: 12] It is narrated by Abu Dawud on the authority of Anas (RA), the Messenger of Allah said: â€Å"On the night of Isra I passed by some people who had copper nails and they were clawing their faces and chests with them. I asked Jibriel: Who are these persons? He said: These are the people who eat the flesh of human beings and disgrace them.†Islam also forbids envy and jealousy which are the common causes of problems amongst friends in Western societies. The Prophet (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) said, â€Å"Do not have malice against a Muslim; do not be envious of other Muslims; do not go against a Muslim and forsake him. O the slaves of Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’aala)! Be like brothers with each other. It is not violable for a Muslim to desert his brother for over three days†. [Sahih Muslim, Tirmithi] Belittling each other is almost a pastime in the West. The Prophet (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) said, â€Å"The believer can do no worse than belittle his brother†. [Iyah Uloom ad Deen] A Muslim should not hold grudges against another Muslim even if they are differing personalities. The Prophet (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) warned against this when he said, â€Å"The gates of Paradise will be open on Mondays and on Thursdays, and every servant [of Allah] who associates nothing with Allah will be forgiven, except for the man who has a grudge against his brother. [About them] it will be said: Delay these two until they are reconciled; delay these two until they are reconciled; delay these two until they are reconciled†. [Muslim] Friends should feel at ease with each other without feeling inferior or superior. Ego’s must be tamed according to Islam. The Prophet (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) said, â€Å"A man is on a par with the Deen of his friend and there is no good in the fellowship of one who does not regard you as highly as himself†. [Iyah Uloom ad Deen] Concealing faults It is important to conceal a friends faults, this does not mean that we ignore them; it means that we advise them and help them overcome their shortcomings. Uqbah ibn Amir narrated that the Prophet (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) said, â€Å"He who sees something which should be kept hidden and conceals it, it will be like the one who has brought to life a girl buried alive†[Hadith 2292: Abu Dawud] Abu Hurayrah narrated that Allah’s Apostle (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) said, â€Å"He who conceals (the faults) of a Muslim, Allah would conceal his faults in the world and in the Hereafter. Allah is at the back of a servant so long as the servant is at the back of his brother.†[Hadith 1245: Muslim] Generosity & Kindness Sharing wealth with others is greatly encouraged in Islam. This encourages trust and closeness amongst people. It is sometimes difficult for Muslims to grasp this principle especially when they are affected by Western society which promotes greed and selfishness. Giving someone something without expecting anything in return is uncommon in the West even amongst friends. When the non-Muslims give each other presents such as on Birthday’s, Christmas, New Year’s or when someone leaves the work place it is done more out of tradition and knowing that they will get something in return rather than sincerity. Imam Bukhari narrated that our beloved Messenger Muhammad (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) said: â€Å"None amongst you believes (truly) till one likes for his brother, that which he loves for his himself†. Examples of this perspective towards others can be clearly seen in the companions of the Prophet (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam). It is transmitted by Imam Ahmad, in Al-Bidayah, volume 3, page 228 that Anas (ra) narrated, â€Å"When Abdur-Rahman ibn Auf (ra) immigrated to Medina, the Messenger of Allah (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) established brotherhood between him and Sa’d ibn Al-Ansari (ra). Afterwards Sa’d said to Abdur-Rahman ibn Auf, ‘O my brother! I am a wealthy person of Medina. Look! Here is half of my wealth, take it! I have 2 wives. I will divorce one of them whom you like more so that you may marry her.’ Abdur-Rahman ibn Auf replied, ‘May Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’aala) prosper your family and wealth, just show me the way to the market so that I may make my fortune with my own hands.†The Ansaar of Medina were extremely generous to their brothers, the Muhajireen from Makkah. Abu Hurairah (ra) reported that they once approached the Prophet (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) with the request that their orchards of palm trees should be distributed equally between the Muslims of Medina and the Muslims of Makkah. But the Prophet (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) was reluctant to put this heavy burden upon them. It was, however, decided that the Muhajireen would work in the orchards along with the Ansaar and the yield would be divided equally amongst them. Friends should have informality with each other so that they are not hesitant in asking for anything when in need. This can be seen from the example of the Prophet (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) and his dear friend Abu Ayyub al-Ansari. The Prophet (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) had stayed at his house when after arriving into Madina whilst he was waiting for the mosque to be built. The Prophet stayed in Abu Ayyub’s house for almost seven months until his mosque was completed on the open space where his camel had stopped. He then moved to the roots which were built around the mosque for himself and his family. He thus became a neighbour of his friend Abu Ayyub. Abu Ayyub continued to love the Prophet with all his heart and the Prophet also loved him dearly. There was no formality between them. The Prophet continued to regard Abu Ayyub’s house as his own. The following anecdote tells a great deal about the relationship between them. Abu Bakr (ra) once left his house in the burning heat of the midday sun and went to the mosque. Umar (ra) saw him and asked, â€Å"Abu Bakr, what has brought you out at this hour? Abu Bakr said he had left his house because he was terribly hungry and Umar said that he had left his house for the same reason. The Prophet came up to them and asked; â€Å"What has brought the two of you out at this hour?†They told him and he said, â€Å"By Him in Whose hands is my soul, only hunger has caused me to come out also. But come with me.†They went to the house of Abu Ayyub al-Ansari. His wife opened the door and said, â€Å"Welcome to the Prophet and whoever is with him.†â€Å"Where is Abu Ayyub?†asked the Prophet. Abu Ayyub, who was working in a nearby palm grove, heard the Prophet’s voice and came hurriedly. â€Å"Welcome to the Prophet and whoever is with him,†he said and went on â€Å"O Prophet of God, this is not the time that you usually come.†(Abu Ayyub used to keep some food for the Prophet every day. When the Prophet did not come for it by a certain time, Abu Ayyub would give it to his family). â€Å"You are right,†the Prophet agreed. Abu Ayyub went out and cut a cluster of dates in which there were ripe and half ripe dates. â€Å"I did not want you to eat this,†said the Prophet. â€Å"Could you not have brought only the ripe dates?†â€Å"O Rasulullah, please eat from both the ripe dates (rutb) and the half ripe (busr). I shall slaughter an animal for you also.†. â€Å"If you are going to, then do not kill one that gives milk,†cautioned the Prophet. Abu Ayyub killed a young goat, cooked half and grilled the other half. He also asked his wife to bake, because she baked better he said. When the food was ready, it was placed before the Prophet and his two companions. The Prophet took a piece of meat and placed it in a loaf and said, â€Å"Abu Ayyub, take this to Fatima. She has not tasted the like of this for days†. When they had eaten and were satisfied, the Prophet said reflectively: â€Å"Bread and meat and busr and rutb!†Tears began to flow from his eyes as he continued: â€Å"This is a bountiful blessing about which you will be asked on the Day of judgment. If such comes your way, put your hands to it and say, Bismillah (In the name of God) and when you have finished say, Al hamdu lillah alladhee huwa ashbana wa anama alayna (Praise be to God Who has given us enough and Who has bestowed his bounty on us). This is best.†[Iyah Uloom ad Deen] In putting others first, the Prophet (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) demonstrated for us excellent examples. He (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) once entered a thicket with one of his companions and gathered two toothpicks, one of them crooked and the other straight. He gave the straight one to his companion, who said, â€Å"O Messenger of Allah, you are more entitled to the straight one than I!†The Prophet (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) replied, â€Å"When a friend accompanies a friend, if only for one hour of the day, he will be asked to account for his companionship, whether he fulfilled his duty to Allah therein or whether he neglected it†. [Iyah Uloom ad Deen] On another occasion the Messenger of Allah (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) went out to a well in order to wash. Hudhayfa ibn al-Yaman took a robe and stood screening the Prophet (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) whilst he washed. Then Hudhayfa (ra) sat down to wash himself and Muhammad (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) took the robe and screened Hudhayfa (ra) from view. Hudhayfa objected saying, â€Å"My father be your ransom, and my mother too! O Messenger of Allah, do not do it!†Yet he (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) insisted on holding the robe and said, â€Å"Each time two people are in company together, the dearer to Allah is he who is kinder to his companion [Ihya Uloom ad Deen] The Prophet (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) also said, â€Å"The companions whom Allah considers best are those who are best to their companions†. [Ahmad & Tirmidhi] Giving of gifts has also been recommended by the Prophet (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) and he explained that it creates love between people. It was reported by al-Bukhari in al-Adaabul-Mufrad (no. 594) that Rasool-Allah (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) said: â€Å"Give gifts and you will love one another†. Kindness to our friends, helping them in need and consoling them in times of grief should become natural for us for everyone needs help, a shoulder to cry on and someone to share their joy. Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra) said, â€Å"Pay attention to your brothers for they are your provision in this life and in the hereafter. Do you not listen to the cry of the people of the fire? â€Å"So we have no one to intercede for us nor any dear friend†[Ash-Shu’araa: 100-101] Loving someone for the sake of Allah In the West people love each other for the sake of material benefits whereas in Islam we are encouraged to love each other for the sake of Allah. This means that we would undertake actions with regards to each other that even contradict our personal interests in order aid a friend or further our relationship with them. It was reported by Muslim on the authority of Abu Hurairah (ra) that the Prophet (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) said: â€Å"A man went to visit a brother of his in another town and Allah deputed an angel to await him on his way, so when he came to him he said, â€Å"Where are you going?†He replied, â€Å"I am going to visit a brother of mine in this town.†He said, â€Å"Have you done him some favour which you desire to be returned?†He said, â€Å"No, it is just that I love him for Allah, the Mighty and Magnificent.†He said, â€Å"Then I am a messenger sent by Allah to you (to inform you) that Allah loves you as you have loved him for Allah’s sake.†The Prophet (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) also said, â€Å"Whoever would like to taste the sweetness of Iman (belief) then let him love a person only for Allah’s sake†[Ahmad] It was reported by Abu Dawud that Umar ibn al-Khattab narrated that the Prophet (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) said, â€Å"Indeed from the servants of Allah there are some who are not Prophets, yet they will be envied by the Prophets and the martyrs†. It was asked, â€Å"Who are they? That we may love them†. He (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) said, â€Å"They are people who have mutual love through light from Allah, not due to kinship or ancestry, their faces will be enlightened, upon pillars of light, they will not fear when the people fear, or grieve when the people grieve†. Then he (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) recited: â€Å"No doubt! Verily, on the friends of Allah there is no fear nor shall they grieve†[TMQ 10: 62] In conclusion, it should be apparent that we can’t live in isolation and require company. Friendship provides a natural support structure the Muslim community. Therefore we should ensure that the company we keep helps us in remembering Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’aala) and strengthens our commitment to Islam. This is more important for us living in the West as the corrupt society continuously bombards us with its poisonous culture and attempts to catch us in its net.
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